Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1273 The truth comes out (2)

When Wangcai heard this, he was so frightened that he wet his pants immediately and shouted out loud: "Master, please spare my life, Master, please spare my slave..."

After receiving the order, the four boys immediately stepped forward. Two were carrying the charcoal basin, and the other two were grabbing his arms and trying to push him into the charcoal basin. Wangcai, who was frightened and crazy, struggled desperately and begged loudly for mercy.

"Sir, please spare your life. I have a secret that I want to tell you. As long as you spare me, I will tell you this secret!"

When Du Wanqing heard this, her heart immediately rose to her throat. She guessed that Wangcai, this slave, was about to fight her to the death. She was anxious and rushed to say: "Zili, don't listen to his nonsense. This guy just wants to escape the charge." If you want to bite randomly, if you ask me, this kind of rebellious dog slave should be pulled out and beaten to death."

Mo Zili glanced sideways at Du Wanqing and said coldly: "He can't die yet. If he dies, wouldn't he be advantageous to the instigator behind it?" As he said that, he smiled sternly and raised his hand to signal to the boy. Let's stop and let go of our wealth.

Wangcai walked through the door of hell for a time, and was so frightened that his soul flew away. At this moment, he only thought about how to take credit for his crime, how to alleviate his own sins, or how to find someone more hateful than himself and transfer him. The sight of the young master.

He lay on the ground, raised his head sweating profusely, and said while crying: "Master, thank you very much for your kindness. I realize my mistake and will never dare to do it again..."

"You were injured this time. It wasn't because the bird frightened the horse. It was because the slave secretly hit your horse's eyes with stones, which frightened the horse. It was Miss Du who instigated the slave to do this. She even rewarded the slave afterwards. It's a hundred taels of silver."

Mo Zili was startled for a moment. After he understood what he was talking about, his sinister eyes became even sharper. He turned his head and looked at Du Wanqing, his sharp gaze was like a poisoned dagger, as if he wanted to cut her into pieces. Thousands of sections.

One was the woman he once loved deeply, and the other was his most trusted servant. The two of them actually teamed up to plot against him, and he foolishly tarnished the century-old good reputation of Duke Liguo's house for her sake. She hurt his innocent and kind-hearted wife, and then thinking about the pain of his ribs being broken by a horse, and thinking about his past love for him, he really wanted to poke his eyes out, how could he be so stupid? How could you fall in love with such a pretentious and duplicitous woman?

Seeing Mo Zili looking at her with a sinister look, Du Wanqing hurriedly argued: "Zili, don't listen to him. He is framing me. How could I harm you? You are so good to me, and I am grateful to you." It’s not too late to love you!”

Wangcai exposed her unceremoniously and said, "That's because you heard that the young master is going to have a child with the young lady. You are afraid that you are carrying a daughter and the young lady is pregnant with a son. In that case, you will not be able to give birth to your eldest son." There is no chance to enter the palace and become a young lady."

"No, that's not the case, he lied, he framed me!"

Du Wanqing shouted, turned to Mo Zili and cried aggrievedly: "Zi Li, this little slave is deliberately trying to get me into trouble. He slanders me. Zi Li, how could I harm you? You have to make the decision for me..." "

Seeing her pretending to cry, Wangcai was afraid that his master would be soft-hearted, so he hurriedly repaired the wound and said: "Girl, please stop pretending to be innocent. You have always been the most scheming. The doctor said that the scar on your face will not be gone after three months." If it fell out, you deliberately had an abortion and blamed the miscarriage on the young lady. In this way, you can not only defeat your powerful enemy, but also take the opportunity to heal your face. These things you do, you are looking at others. I do not know."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Zili's heart shook again, and his expression couldn't be described in words. He was stunned, shocked, angry, regretful, and manic. In the end, it all turned into a burst of cold laughter.

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