Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1274 The truth comes out (3)

"Haha... Du Wanqing, you are really good at it..."

Before, he had always suspected that Du Wanqing deliberately aborted the baby to frame Xiangyun, but he always thought it was unlikely. After all, the child was her own flesh and blood, how could she let it go? Besides, even if Xiangyun is brought down, she has no chance of rising to the top. She is a smart person and cannot afford to use her own children to bring down someone who has nothing to do with her.

However, in his heart, he felt that it was her who did it.

Now after Wangcai reminded him, he suddenly understood that it turned out that she was afraid that her face would be treated by mistake, so she came up with this vicious plan. After aborting the child, she could have her face treated in a natural way and get rid of it easily. Xiangyun, this trick of killing two birds with one stone is really watertight!

It seems that Xiangyun was indeed wronged, and even Grandma Xie was wronged to death! No wonder Xiangyun hates him so much.

Du Wanqing saw that Mo Zili's face was getting more and more ugly, which could not be described in words. Knowing that he was suspicious of her, Du Wanqing said in a panic: "Zi Li, quickly order this dog slave to be dragged down and beat to death with sticks." Okay, this bitch is lying. Think about it, how could he know about our inner house? It's obvious that he is lying."

Wangcai said confidently: "My servant did not lie. Grandma Wang can testify that in order to blame the young lady, you took your two pieces of purple jade jewelry to bribe Grandma Wang and Grandma Zhang and asked them to help you keep an eye on the young master." Qiu Shuangzhai, you specially rushed to find the young lady when she came back, provoked her, angered her, and made her fight with you. Then you deliberately fell down and hit your stomach, and then put the miscarriage on the young lady. On the head!"

"You're talking nonsense, he's spitting blood----"

Du Wanqing pointed at Wangcai angrily and cried aggrievedly, looking shocked and fragile.

It's a pity that the scarred, red and swollen face has long lost its usual beauty when crying, and the seductive eyes are squeezed into a narrow slit by the swollen face, which cannot attract people's attention at all. pity.

Hearing that she had done so many evil things, Mo Zili was so angry that he was about to explode. It was already very difficult for him to still sit here without getting up and tearing her into pieces. How could he be beaten by her tender words? Moved by screams and cries?

He sneered several times with a sarcastic smile. He didn't know whether he was laughing at himself for being stupid and blind, or laughing at her for still acting despite being in this situation. After laughing, he said grimly: "Send Grandma Wang over here!"

Aunt Wang was a slave born in the Duke Li's family, and she and Wangcai's biological father were siblings. At that time, Wangcai's father fell in love with Wangcai's mother. At that time, Wangcai's mother was already married, so the two secretly When they hooked up, the family rules of Duke Liguo's mansion were strict and did not tolerate those who committed crimes, so the two of them did it very secretly. After Wangcai's mother became pregnant, Wangcai's father died in an accident. Before he died, he told his sister, The seed in Wangcai Niang's belly was his. After she passed away, Wangcai Niang gave birth to Wangcai in the following spring. Grandma Wang remembered what her brother had said before she died, and she had been taking care of Wangcai overtly and covertly these years, just so that no one could see it.

Grandma Wang was widowed at a young age and had no children. She always treated Wangcai as her own child. But that day when Du Wanqing suggested to Mo Zili that Wangcai be beaten to death with a stick, she held a grudge. He secretly stared at her, and even found an opportunity to tell Wangcai about her every move. Wangcai also hated her for being cunning and cunning, but he was a mercenary villain. Although he hated Du Wanqing deeply, he could do it for money. He still took the risk and cooperated with her.

Du Wanqing didn't know the relationship between Grandma Wang and Wangcai. She thought that if she gave her a piece of expensive jewelry, she would become one of her own and would listen to her obediently and help her solve her problems. How could she have imagined that there would be such a thing? There is a public case inside.

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