Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1275 The truth comes out (4)

Grandma Wang walked to the center of the yard, knelt in front of Mo Zili, took out a purple jade pendant and said, "Young Master Li, what you said about making money is true. This is the jade pendant that Miss Du used to bribe the slave. She returned it to me." Aunt Zhang gave a pair of purple jade pendants to her daughter-in-law. You can search them. "

Mo Zili turned his face and stared at Du Wanqing evilly, his eyes full of disgust. He said coldly: "At this point, what else do you have to say?"

Seeing this, Du Wanqing knelt down and cried: "Zi Li, I used to be generous to my servants when I was at home. Even if I gave my servants two pieces of good jewelry, it doesn't mean anything. Is it possible to give them some rewards?" This thing is just a bribe, is it evidence that I committed an crime? If you want to convict me, you must at least produce decent evidence!"

"I have proof!"

An old and majestic voice came from outside, and everyone followed the sound. At the gate, four women came in carrying a sedan. The old lady was sitting in the sedan, with an angry look on her face.

Behind the sedan, there was a small sedan chair carried by two people. The eldest lady Wu was sitting in the middle. Behind her were more than a dozen girls and women, who crowded into Qiu Shuangzhai.

When Mo Zili saw his grandmother and aunt coming, he put away the gloomy look on his face and stood up to greet him. Yingyu hurriedly took a little girl into the house to move chairs and invited these two important people to sit down. .

When Wangcai saw the old lady coming, he crawled over with a loud cry and kowtowed to the old lady: "Old madam, I know that you are a believer in Buddhism. Please be kind and merciful and spare this slave. I have realized my mistake." , I don’t dare to do it anymore…”

The old lady glanced at Wangcai and said, "Is it you, the slave dog, who entangled the bandits who killed Qian Dao'er and went to kill my grandson-in-law?"

When Wangcai heard this, he hurriedly pointed at Du Wanqing and said: "Old Madam, it's all her, she instigated the slave to do this. She said that the young master didn't like the young lady, and she had already acquiesced to the slave to do it. Otherwise, there would be a ghost holding the slave's hand." , I don’t even dare to do such a rebellious thing!"

Du Wanqing became anxious when she heard this and argued: "You are talking nonsense. I did not intercede for you because you were demoted. You held a grudge and deliberately framed me..."

"Shut up, everyone!"

The old lady gave a majestic drink, sat down slowly, and said in a cold voice: "One slap can't make a difference. You two don't have a good thing. No one has to pick it. If you pick it, you can't pick it clean. What do you do?" I have already found out everything about the plot, and no one can escape! It’s ridiculous that I have lived for more than seventy years, and this is the first time I have heard that a slave and a concubine dare to kill the master. This is really a new experience. , even the people all over the world have learned from it."

When Mo Zili heard this, he hurriedly knelt down and said sadly: "My grandson is guilty. His lax management of the family has damaged the reputation of our family again!"

The old lady said sternly: "Of course you are guilty. As a descendant of the Mo family, you violated the ancestral precepts and lusted after women, which ruined the century-old reputation of our Duke's government and was criticized by people all over the world. You are stupid and absurd. Unknown people caused your daughter-in-law to suffer a lot of injustice and run away from home, and almost died tragically; it caused Xie's wet nurse to die innocently and tragically, and the century-old friendship between the Mo and Wu families was mostly ruined in your hands. Today I Let me open your eyes and see what kind of woman you are because you violated the ancestral teachings and turned against your husband."

After saying that, he said to the maid Mingyue next to him: "Go and bring out the evidence!"

"Yes!" Mingyue agreed and winked at a woman, who immediately went out.

Du Wanqing's heart was beating wildly. She didn't know what evidence the old lady had found, but one thing she knew was that the old lady had been a spirit for a lifetime in the back house. Her trick to deceive Mo Zili was not bad, she thought. I'm afraid I won't be able to deceive the old lady!

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