Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1284 Is that you, the young master (3)

Xiangyun just got up from sleep, where can he sleep now? But in order to avoid Mo Zili, she had to lie on the kang and go back to sleep. She tossed and turned, and her heart was almost on fire. What should she do? How can I get away from him and live my life quietly?

next day

Xiangyun slept until three o'clock in the morning before getting up. When she woke up, she lazily called Cuixi to come in and help her get up. After Cuixi came in, she whispered: "Young madam, you are finally up. The young master has been up for a long time." , waiting for you to have breakfast!"

When Xiangyun heard that the man was waiting for her to eat, she suddenly felt bad. She was stunned for a moment, then fell down with a bang, and said painfully: "I'll sleep for a while, and you go tell him that I'm not awake yet." , let him eat first without waiting for me...  "

Cui Wei said in embarrassment: "Young madam, the young master heard you when you called me just now. Besides, he also saw me carrying the basin into the house. What do you want me to say?"

Xiangyun pulled the quilt and covered his head, saying: "I don't care, you go and say it anyway..."

Cuixi was forced to go outside and said with a blushing face.

When Mo Zili heard that Xiangyun was still sleeping, he raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face. He heard Xiangyun lazily calling people in the room, and saw Cuixi come in with a basin. House, now I say I haven’t woken up yet, I’m afraid even a three-year-old child wouldn’t believe it!

However, he didn't think Xiang Yun's deception was hateful. Instead, he thought it was cute. She was like an angry and willful child. She hid and refused to see people because she was unhappy. Haha, he wanted to Let's see, how long can she hide?

Mo Zili was recuperating from his injuries. Wu had nothing to do anyway, so he just stayed with her. If she didn't get up, he wouldn't eat either, so he kept waiting for her.

When noon was approaching, Xiang Yun was so hungry that she had no choice but to get up. After cleaning up, she reluctantly went outside and saw Mo Zili sitting at the table reading a book.

He wore a light white robe with a white jade hairpin on his head. He looked very homely and elegant. No matter how you looked at him, he looked like an elegant and handsome young man. Unfortunately, this elegant and handsome young man was destined not to be her husband. .

"Woke up?"

Seeing Xiangyun come out, he put down the book in his hand and said, "Come over and eat!"

Xiangyun hurriedly waved his hands and said: "I won't eat, I won't eat. You can eat by yourself. I have to go to the city. Oh, by the way, I won't come back to eat at night. You can either eat by yourself or go back to your place." Let’s run the government."

After saying that, he walked out quickly.

The smile at the corner of Mo Zili's mouth disappeared, replaced by a trace of distress. This girl rejected him so much, where should he start to coax her to change her mind?

Xiangyun had his own car and his own driver. After giving instructions, the car was quickly set up.

She took Cuiwen and Cuilu with her, got into the car as if running away, and went straight to the city.

I remember meeting Caiwei once in Zhenbao Pavilion. She once said that if you want to find her, just leave a message to Zhenbao Pavilion and you will find her soon.

At present, the only one who has the ability to help her get rid of Mo Zili is Caiwei. She can't do it. If she continues to be entangled with him, she will go crazy. Therefore, she must find Caiwei as soon as possible and let her help her escape. This is a crazy situation right now!

at this time

Caiwei was sitting cross-legged on the Kang table in the main room of the Royal Bookstore, discussing with Liu Xi the opening of a hot pot restaurant. Liu Xi put a stack of information in front of her and said, "Including buying a house, decorating, and customizing tables." The total amount of money for chairs, utensils and hired craftsmen is sixty-two thousand three hundred and fifteen taels. If you join the business with the Mo family’s daughter-in-law, the Mo family’s daughter-in-law should pay you thirty-one thousand one hundred and fifty taels. For seven taels and five cents, now the lobby manager, waiter, oh no, the shopkeeper and waiter have all been found and can open at any time."

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