Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1285 Is that you, the young master (4)

After reading the information sent by Liu Xi, Caiwei saw that there were no discrepancies, so she put the information aside and said, "You did a good job, but don't think that I will forgive you."

Liu Xi said with a smile: "Isn't it just an erotic palace? What about you? I heard you enjoyed it quite a lot!"

Caiwei gritted her teeth and said: "Liu Xi, I am only fourteen years old this year. Fourteen years old, I am not yet a minor, and my body has not grown up yet. Thanks to you, I have been tortured all night long. It's already about to die, do you know?"

Liu Xi looked at Caiwei's swollen lips and said with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, speaking of it, your man is really a beast. He has ruined all the future flowers of the motherland. How about I help you think about it?" An idea?"

Caiwei's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she looked at Liu Xi for help: "Do you have an idea?"

Liu Xi said with a smile: "It's not a good idea. Since your man's hormones are too strong and you can't stand him, why not marry him a few women? This way, you can avoid He ravages you like a wild beast, but he can also help you win a good reputation as a gentle and yielding husband!"

"This is a bad idea!"

Caiwei rested her elbows on the Kang table, held her cheeks and smiled solemnly, and said: "The emperor and I were both poisoned by the cloud and rain poison once. He can only have me as a woman in this life, but, hahaha, the poison will only take care of it." He can't sleep with a woman, but he didn't say that he doesn't care if he sleeps with a man. Otherwise, if our wealth doesn't go to outsiders, can you share it with me? Become the emperor's male favorite? Tsk tsk, I see your delicate little body, Just right for sex!"

Liu Xi's chrysanthemums tightened, she shuddered, and said in a very unkind manner: "My appearance is not good enough. If you want me to see it, your shopkeeper Situ, who is a practitioner, is just right. He is so handsome that he would be blinded if he couldn't bear it." Caiwei shook her head: "Shopkeeper Situ is tall and burly, but he has no potential for love. From my perspective, you are the one who is suitable. Well, the more I look at him, the more suitable he is!"

Caiwei stared at Liu Xi's butt and nodded repeatedly, which made Liu Xi's heart tremble.

At this time, the little eunuch outside suddenly came to report: "The queen, Du Meiren wants to see you!"

When Caiwei heard that Du Meiren was coming, she quickly announced her entrance. Although she hated the Du family, she still liked this aunt. Du Meiren was different from the Du family. She was true, kind, and treated Caiwei. Wei is also really good.

The people in the palace were all fine people, and they knew that the Queen was interested in Du Meiren, so when she saw Du Meiren asking for an audience, they hurriedly came to report her. Otherwise, she was just a beauty, and she would not be qualified to come to the imperial study to meet the Queen.

Under the guidance of the eunuch, Du Meiren came in with her head lowered and her eyebrows lowered. Before she could kneel down, Caiwei had already spoken: "Auntie, please forgive me and give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Queen, for the seat!"

Du Meiren blessed her body in a measured manner. After thanking her, she sat sideways on the embroidered pier brought by a little palace maid.

Caiwei smiled and said, "I haven't seen my aunt for many days. I wonder why my aunt is here?"

Du Meiren bowed and said, "I came here because I have something to ask your Majesty for help. If your Majesty finds it difficult, forget it."

Caiwei said, "Auntie, you might as well come and listen."

Du Meiren said: "When I entered the palace, I brought two maids, Nong Mo and Shi Shu. They were both children of the Du family. After the Du family broke up, their parents were sold to no one knows where. Now, The empress was gracious enough to let them out, but they had no place to go, so I wanted to ask the empress if there was anyone she knew well outside who would be willing to take them in. They have been with me in the palace for more than twenty years, so I took them. I rewarded them with a lot of compensation, and the wealth in their hands was enough for them to spend the rest of their lives. Therefore, no matter who takes them in, they will not take anything from others, as long as the people who take them in take care of them. Just don’t let these two orphan girls be bullied outside!"

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