Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1290 Parrot is looking for someone (3)

Xiangyun said, "No, I'm here to see your boss. I'd like to trouble the shopkeeper to try to bring her a message. I'll be here tomorrow to wait for the letter."


The shopkeeper readily agreed and said: "It just so happens that my boss will send someone out to deliver the beads tonight. I will pass on your news to you. If nothing unexpected happens, my boss will be able to summon you tomorrow!"

Xiangyun thought for a while and then said: "I want to find something about your boss. Don't mention it to others. If anyone asks, just say that I came to see the jewelry!"

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Young lady, don't worry, the villain has the most severe mouth. He can't pry it open with a shovel. No matter who asks, I just say that you are here to see the jewelry. Haha, oh, by the way, the shop does have several stores now." It’s a good thing, young lady, why don’t you take a look?”

Xiangyun shook his head and said, "No, I still have something to do." After saying that, he went out with Cuiwen and Cuilu. Once outside, Cui Wen looked around and said, "Young madam, where are we going now?"

Xiangyun thought for a while and said, "Let's go to Mu's house. Maybe Caiwei will go back to her parents' house today."

It was the time for lunch. Normally Xiangyun would not choose to visit other people's homes at this time, but she was in a hurry now, so she didn't think much about it and hurried to Mu's house.

After entering the house, she realized her rashness.

A guest came to the Mu family today. At this time, Mrs. Du was entertaining the guests for dinner. The two guests Xiangyun had seen were relatives of Caiwei's hometown. They were a roasted food seller called Mu San'er, and her daughter Mu. Picking lotus.

Seeing Xiangyun coming, Mrs. Du was very happy and pulled her to sit down without any explanation, insisting that she eat with them.

Mrs. Du said to Aunt Mu and her daughter: "Xiangyun is Caiwei's good sister and the young lady of the Duke's mansion. After Lian'er comes over, the two families will have to move around a lot in the future. It's better to get to know each other now to save the future." After Lian'er got married, her eyes darkened and she didn't know anyone."

Xiangyun looked at Cai Lian, who was looking shy, and said with a smile: "It seems that Miss Lian'er will have a big wedding soon. I just don't know which house it will be and when. I will have to buy a wedding wine by then." Woolen cloth?"

Cai Lian lowered her head shyly and just smiled without saying a word.

Du Shi added a chopstick of food to Xiangyun, put it on the plate in front of her, and said: "Lian'er has chosen to be the only son of the British Duke's family, the direct nephew of the Empress Dowager. Although it is a continuation of the relationship, it is good to have it first." When the lady died, she did not leave any heirs, only two concubines who had not grown up. A few years later, it was just a matter of two dowries. Lian'er became the wife of the wife after she entered the house, and there would be a chance to give birth to a child in the future. The most rare thing about the eldest son inheriting the family business is that the matchmaker has said that Lian'er will be able to take charge of the middle court after entering the house. It can be seen that the British government is very sincere about this marriage!"


Cai Lian whined, her face even redder with embarrassment.

Third Aunt Mu sighed: "It doesn't matter whether he is in charge of Lao Shizi's husband or not. I just don't know what Mr. Ji's character is like. Will he be able to take good care of my Lian'er in the future? Will he look down on her? After all, her Where does your origin lie, hey!"

When Xiangyun heard that the Ji family actually condescended to marry Third Uncle Mu's family, he couldn't help being surprised and contemptuous.

Is it possible that the Ji family has declined enough to maintain the emperor's favor in this way?

Also, the Empress Dowager was very unkind to the Emperor and Empress Dowager Mo before. Even the British Duke's office was clearly in the camp of Concubine Jin and her son. It would be strange if the Emperor didn't bear grudges against them. He might settle the score with them one day. , if they can find a queen's sister to get married, at least the emperor will be wary of the queen's face and cannot easily criticize them.

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