Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1291 Parrot is looking for someone (4)

Thinking about it this way, this marriage is indeed a good marriage for the British government.

However, it may not be a good marriage for Third Uncle Mu's family.

Although on the surface, Cai Lian is indeed a high-ranking person, but marrying such a high-ranking person will definitely not lead a good life for her.

In the capital, Mr. Ji's reputation is really bad. He is arrogant and domineering, and his reputation for debauchery is almost universally known. It is said that the family has more than 20 singing prostitutes and concubines. Even if you marry into such a family, you will never marry into it. Will be happy. Besides, Ji Dayu is a playboy with high ambitions. He will definitely look down on Cai Lian because of her background, and he is not likely to be nice to her!

Mrs. Du advised Third Aunt Mu: "Sister-in-law, don't belittle yourself. Our Lian'er is gentle and sensible, and it's the daughter of their British father-in-law who came to propose marriage. How can we treat Lian'er badly?"

Third Aunt Mu was still depressed, sighing and saying, "Hey, I always feel something is wrong!"

Xiangyun also felt it was inappropriate, but as an outsider, even if he felt it was inappropriate, he was not qualified to say anything. Besides, this girl Lian'er looked like a happy little woman. If she said something bad about the British government at this moment, She may not believe it!

"The appointment will be made later. Unfortunately, I am too heavy now to attend the ceremony. However, Zhong Qing will definitely go. I will prepare a box gift for Lian'er later and send it over tomorrow..." .  "

Mrs. Du was very considerate. In fact, it was enough to send the box gift to the bride before she got married. However, Uncle Mu's family was poor, and when the British government came to recruit people, their family did not even have decent clothes, let alone a good head. The jewelry was gone, so in order to prevent them from being embarrassed when the time came, Du decided to help them pack it out as soon as possible to avoid being embarrassed when the time came!

After the meal, Mrs. Du and Third Aunt Mu were still discussing the matter of Cai Lian's appointment and marriage. Cai Wei did not come back as Xiangyun hoped, and she did not even have a chance to mention Cai Wei to Du Shi. No, Xiangyun saw that there was no chance to ask about Caiwei or Shenxing, so he sat for a while and then stood up to leave.

When she went out, Xiangyun was startled. At some point, Mo Zili's car arrived and was parked next to hers. Seeing Xiangyun coming out, Mo Zili lifted the car curtain and said, "Xiangyun, where are you going? I'll go with you!"

Xiangyun felt a chill, and she had no interest in going shopping with him. She was more interested in staying with him, so she glanced at him coldly and said, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm tired. I'm going back to Zhuangzi to sleep." !"

After saying that, without anyone's support, he grabbed the door of the carriage and jumped into his car. He threw down the curtain and ignored Mo Zili.

In Mo Zili's car, Chengcai asked carefully: "Sir, are your ribs okay?"

Mo Zili's face turned pale and he said, "No problem, tell the coachman to follow the young lady this time..."

Chengcai glanced at the car outside with resentment, then at the owner who was as pale as paper in pain, and reluctantly responded: "Yes----"

After getting in the car, Xiangyun was in a very bad mood. She didn't like Mo Zili suddenly appearing next to her and interfering with her life. Whether it was out of concern for her or guilt, she didn't need it at all. She just wanted him to stay away from her and not let her see him. Because when she saw him, she didn't need him to say anything or do anything. As long as she saw him, she couldn't help but think of something painful to her.

For example, when he raised the corners of his lips and smiled at her, she would immediately think of the mouth that had ordered her nanny to be beaten to death, which made her feel resentful; another example, when he helped her pick fish bones and peel crabs, she would think of , these hands had done this to another woman, and even touched the woman she hated the most.

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