Xiangyun just hated Mo Zili. As long as he didn't follow her, she didn't mind whoever went into the city with her. So he nodded and said, "Okay!"

Without breakfast, she took Cuiwen and Cuilu with her and rode Mo Zili's carriage towards the city.

She had a good reason for not having breakfast, because she wanted to eat Liuji's fried dough sticks and bean juice in the morning, so she didn't want to eat it at home. Although Mo Zili knew that her words were not trustworthy, he couldn't bear to force her, so she successfully avoided the embarrassment of having breakfast with Mo Zili.

When she entered the city this time, in addition to Cuiwen and Cuilu, she also brought two of Mo Zili's bodyguards. The two bodyguards rode horses and followed Xiangyun's carriage, escorting Xiangyun into the city.

Because they were riding in a carriage with the mark of Duke Li's Mansion, and followed by the guards of Duke Li's Mansion, many people thought that it was the young master of Duke Li's Mansion who was coming in and out, so they all took the initiative to avoid it. The carriage went smoothly all the way to Liu. Remember to set off.

As they were walking, an unkempt woman suddenly rushed out from the roadside. The woman shouted and grabbed the horse's bridle.

"Master Li, you can't treat my Qing'er like this. She's just a young lady and she followed you. How could you have the heart to send her to jail..."

This woman was Du Wanqing's mother, Mrs. Wang. After Du Wanqing was thrown into prison, Mrs. Bai ordered people to drive Mrs. Wang out of the house that Mo Zili bought and told her about Du Wanqing's behavior.

Although Mrs. Wang was in the wrong, she knew how much Mo Zili once loved her daughter, so she kept looking for opportunities to see Mo Zili and plead for her daughter, so that they could go back to the way they used to be without food and clothing. Go into a life of worry!

The coachman was startled by the Wang family who suddenly rushed out, and then shouted: "Where did you come from, the old beggar woman, have you been blinded? How dare you stop the carriage of our young lady, the Duke of Liguo, and refuse to give it to me?" Get away!"

Mrs. Wang wandered around outside Duke Li's Mansion for many days without a chance to see Mo Zili. She was even threatened by a boy outside Duke Li's Mansion, who threatened that she would be given a discount if she dared to hang out outside Duke Li's Mansion again. Her legs were so frightened that she no longer dared to hang out outside Duke Li's mansion. Now she finally saw Mo Zili's car fight, so how could she let it go so easily?

She pulled the horse's bridle and cried loudly: "Master Li, Qing'er has conceived a child for you. You can't treat her like this... God, my poor daughter..."

When the two guards saw her acting up, they quickly jumped off their horses and tried to pull her aside.

Wang was already at the end of her rope, and Mo Zili was her last life-saving straw. How could she let go easily? When someone came to pull her, she hugged the horse's head tightly and screamed and refused to let go.

The horse was startled by Wang's hysteria and neighed uneasily.

The two guards were young and strong, and they worked hard together to finally pull Wang away. Wang was particularly unwilling to give up, kicking and shouting, and might as well kicked the horse's neck. The horse was completely frightened, and raised its hooves and neighed. With a sound, he ran forward.

This happened so suddenly. Before the two guards had time to react, they had been knocked away by the horse. The driver also rolled off the carriage. Only Xiangyun and the two were left in the car. The maid is gone.

"Young Madam----"

"Young Madam----"

The two guards got up and hurriedly chased the frightened horse, running and shouting: "Young Madam——"

"Young Madam----"

Xiangyun and Cuiwen Cuilu were sitting in the carriage, screaming in fright. Cuiwen, who was young, was so frightened that he desperately opened the curtain and shouted: "Help----help---- "

The horse ran extremely fast, as fast as lightning, and soon swept away the two guards and the driver of the Mo family without a trace. People on the street hurriedly dodged to both sides, and many slow-footed people were still knocked down and trampled. hurt.


During a sharp turn, the car hit a big tree, and the wooden carriage was immediately shattered. Cuiwen and Cuilu were sitting on the damaged side. With the action of inertia, they jumped. He got out and fell heavily to the ground. The roof of the car also tilted and fell off crookedly.

Xiangyun was the only one left holding on to the broken carriage. She hugged the crumbling wall of the carriage, her face turned pale with fright. She saw the carriage running like arrows, and no one dared to come forward to save her. She was anxious, panicked and scared, and a look of despair gradually appeared in her eyes.

At this critical moment, a figure flew out of the crowd, jumped onto the courtyard wall on the street, and chased after him all the way. The man's lightness skills were excellent, he could fly and walk, his white robe was spread lightly, and his figure was like a roc. He quickly caught up to Xiangyun and landed firmly on the disabled car.

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