Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1299 Rumors are spreading (1)


Looking at Situ Changge falling from the sky, Xiangyun's heart beat excitedly. She called out, her voice was soft, and then she opened her mouth and cried loudly. She cried very wrongedly, as if she had been frightened. Like a parent's child, he releases his emotions.

When Situ Changge saw her childish look, his heart softened. He really wanted to bend down to coax her and wipe away the tears rolling down her little face, but the crazy horse was still running wildly, He might encounter some danger next moment, so he didn't dare to delay, so he could only coax in a low voice: "Stop crying, it's okay!"

As he spoke, he turned around, mobilized his physical strength, concentrated his internal energy in the palm of his hand, and tried to raise his palm to hit the horse's head and knock it out.

However, the horse seemed to sense the approaching danger. Before the wind of the palm could be struck, it suddenly stopped running, suddenly raised its front hooves and neighed, its whole body almost stood upright, and the broken carriage followed it. Xiangyun was caught off guard with a sharp tilt of his movements, and was suddenly thrown out.


She flew up with a scream, and then fell parabolically towards the hard stone road on the ground.

When Situ Changge saw Xiangyun being thrown out of the carriage and falling headfirst onto the stone road, he hurriedly flew up and flew towards her like a swan spreading its wings.

Seeing that he was about to fall onto the stone slab, Xiangyun closed his eyes in despair, waiting for the devastating disaster to come. Suddenly, just when the tip of her nose felt the coolness of the stone slab, her waist suddenly tightened. Before she could react, she was already hugged around her waist.

Then, she ran into that warm embrace again. The familiar light fragrance was elegant and intoxicating. The familiar temperature, neither cold nor hot, calmed the panic in her heart.

Situ Changge rescued Xiangyun and saw that she still closed her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her little bun face was twisted into a ball in fear, which made him feel a little bit... The child felt distressed and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, it's okay!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Xiangyun reluctantly opened her eyes. After seeing that familiar handsome face, she pursed her lips and was about to cry. Suddenly, as if she thought of something, she grabbed his collar. , said loudly: "Situ, hurry up and stop that horse, don't let it hurt innocent people!"

He was so frightened that he still thought about others. Situ Changge shook his head and said to himself, what a silly girl, but he said: "Okay, you can stay here and wait for me. Remember, don't go away. I will be right back."

As he spoke, a cold light flashed in his sleeves, and a cold dagger appeared in his palm. He flew up, his clothes fluttering, over the heads of the people on the street, and chased in the direction where the horse disappeared.

Xiangyun did not listen to his warning. The life and death of Cui Wen and Cui Lu were unknown. She could not wait here. She glanced at the direction where Situ Changge disappeared, turned around and ran towards the direction where Cui Wen and Cui Lu fell.

However, before she could get there, several people who had been injured, kicked, or trampled by the carriage saw Xiangyun, dragged their injured bodies around, stopped her, and clamored for compensation from her.

"Young madam, I am a salesman. All my goods were knocked away by the carriage in your house. I was also kicked. My butt still hurts. I'm afraid I won't be able to work out in three or two months." ....."

"Young Madam, the villain's bun stall was kicked over, and several steamed buns fell to the ground. There is no way to sell them..."

"Young Madam, the horse in your house hit my father and he is still lying on the street unable to move..."

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