Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1300 Rumors are spreading (2)

As the young lady of Duke Li's palace, Xiangyun has a distinguished status, so naturally she will not take the money with her personally. Now she is surrounded and forced by a group of injured people. She can only do what she promised, but she can't take it. Pay for it.

"Everyone, when my guards and maids arrive, I will definitely compensate you. Please wait a moment."

A drunkard whose arm was scratched by a carriage saw that Xiangyun was full of pearls and was alone, so he became greedy and said, "Young lady, saving people is like putting out fire. Wait for your people to come and delay our injuries." What should I do? Since you refuse to compensate, I will take it myself..." As he said that, he stretched out his big, oily paws to grab the golden phoenix step on Xiangyun's head.

Xiangyun was startled, screamed, held his head and hid behind.

Seeing Xiang Yun dodge, the drunk man stretched out his paw to grab it again. Seeing that his hand was about to touch Xiang Yun's head, the golden phoenix stepped up and shook it. Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and a handle with a The willow leaf caught in the cold wind flew over, and with a 'swish' sound, it was accurately inserted into the drunk man's wrist.

The drunk man was startled for a moment, and then he shouted while covering his wrist that was pierced by a thin knife.

"Oh, my hands----"

Everyone was shocked and looked in the direction where the knife flew. Outside the crowd, Situ Changge walked over with a sullen face. He walked to Xiangyun's side and half-blocked Xiangyun in front of him as a protector. His face was clouded, and he stared coldly at the crowd and the howling drunken man.

When Xiangyun saw that Situ Changge was back, he slowly put down his hands on his head and said complainingly: "Why did you come back just now? You just... scared me to death... Wuwu... .."

The man turned slightly sideways, looked at the girl with eyes as red as rabbits, softened his heart, and said, "I'm sorry, I came back late and I frightened you!"

In fact, he had already tried his best to rush back. In order to save time, he did not subdue the horse, but directly killed the horse. The reason why he was in such a hurry was that he was afraid of the current situation. He did not expect to wait until When he rushed back, he still saw a scene that made him feel distressed.

She was surrounded by a group of vulgar people who threatened and denounced her, and one man actually wanted to do violence to her. She was so frightened that she hid like a frightened rabbit with red eyes, holding her head and hiding behind.

His heart ached, and he shot out the flying knife in his sleeve without even thinking about it. Although he had always been calm and calm, and although he had always abided by the gang rules, at this moment, because of her panicked little face, what could he do to him? It doesn't matter anymore, he just wants to protect her and prevent her from being bullied.

Xiangyun Guang was scared and didn't realize there was anything wrong with what she said to him. However, after hearing his warm and considerate reply, she realized how unreasonable her complaint against him was.

To him, she was just someone he had just met. No one could blame him whether he could save her or not. But she was willful like a child, just because she came back a little late. He had a bad temper, complained, and had a bad temper, but they warned her in advance not to leave. It was her disobedience that caused the trouble. In the end, they saved her, but she still blamed and complained. She was really... Too ignorant...

When she was thinking in annoyance whether she should apologize to him or say something to him, the drunk man who was shot through the wrist had already shouted at the top of his lungs: "Oh, my arm was scratched by you." If I'm injured, it won't count if you don't pay for it, and my hand was also disabled. You are simply using your power to bully others and oppress good people..."

This sentence immediately resonated with the injured and the common people, and everyone accused Xiangyun and Situ Changge of not hurting people so seriously.

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