Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1301 Rumors are spreading (3)

Situ Changge blocked Xiangyun behind him and said in a cold voice: "Everyone, what happened today was caused by the fright of the carriage and it was not a human fault. We will take full responsibility for your injuries. Please come to the justice department for your injuries." If you go to the shantang, we will pay for all the medical expenses. In addition, we will compensate you for all the lost work time and nutritional expenses due to your injuries!"

"As for you. "

His eyes were locked on the drunk man, and he said coldly: "The knife on your body is worth twenty taels. If you think it's not enough, I'll give you a few more!" As he said that, he moved his wrist, and there was something unknown in his hand. Suddenly two more thin knives appeared, shining coldly in the sun.

Although the man was drunk, he still saw the evil look in Situ Changge's eyes. He took a step back, swallowed, covered his injured wrist and said, "That's enough, that's enough... that's enough..." ....."

As he spoke, he pushed aside the crowd and ran away staggeringly.

The injured and injured all followed Situ Changge's instructions, either walking or hiring a car, and went to Yishan Hall one after another.

As soon as the people dispersed, Xiangyun sniffed and whispered: "Shopkeeper Situ, you saved me again, how can I thank you?"

Situ Changge smiled lightly and said: "You don't have to be polite to me. I just happened to be passing by and I just saved you. By the way, your two maids were also thrown off the carriage. Come on, let's go rescue them!"

"Well, thank you, Shopkeeper Situ, you are such a good person!"

Xiangyun said gratefully, and quickly followed Situ Changge to the place where the green lines fell.

Along the way, all the people who were trampled or injured by carriages were sent to Yishan Hall by Situ Changge. Xiangyun didn't say anything, but she was so moved in her heart. If it weren't for him, she really didn't know how to deal with these people, and she herself might have been thrown to death by that crazy horse at this moment!

When they found Cuiwen Cuixi, they saw the two of them were surrounded by a large group of people, and they both fell to the ground in a state of confusion.

Cui Wen was face down when he fell, and he was already unconscious. Cui Lu was still awake, but when he fell off the carriage, he used his arms to support him. Although he protected his body, his torso was not allowed to fall. The parts were injured, but both arms were broken. Now I was lying on the street with my arms bent, sweating profusely in pain, and dying!

Seeing this, Xiang Yun hurried over to help them up, but Situ Changge stopped her and said, "Please be safe, young lady. Your maid has been injured on the head and face. She cannot help her up immediately, lest her head suddenly become bruised and she needs to be helped." She should be sent to the hospital lying flat on her back first, and then she can make a decision after the doctors at the hospital see her. There is also the one with a broken arm. I have some medical skills, so I can help her set the bones first, and then send her to the hospital to splint her. , he will be cured soon."

"Oh! You also know medical skills? Oh my God, you know so many things. You are so amazing!"

Xiangyun stared in surprise and cast an unabashed look of admiration on him.

Situ Changge's mood immediately improved. He smiled lightly and said modestly, "I just know a little bit about it, just to make you laugh."

"Are you kidding? You are so humble. You are the most capable person I have ever met. Really..."

Xiangyun said, and squatted down with him, next to Cuiwen and Cuilu. Situ Changge held one of Cuilu's broken arms with one hand, and supported her shoulder with the other, saying: "Young Madam , you hug her body, it hurts a little when the bones are set, don’t let her move!"

Xiangyun agreed, lowered his head, and said softly to Cuixi: "Cuilu, please be strong. Shopkeeper Situ is very capable. The bones won't hurt when they are connected."

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