Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1302 Rumors are spreading (4)

Cui Lu endured the pain and nodded. Suddenly she heard a "click" and saw Situ Changge lifted up. Cui Lu's broken arm had returned to its original shape.


Cui Lu screamed in pain and burst into tears uncontrollably. Xiang Yun hugged her, patted her back and coaxed: "Cui Lu, good boy, don't cry. Don't cry. Shopkeeper Situ will laugh at you. Don't cry." Don't cry..."

Situ Changge looked at her serious expression, a smile flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. While smiling, he held Cuixi's other arm and said "click" again. The other arm is also attached.

The pain in that arm had not passed yet, but now it came again. Cuixi screamed in pain and fell into Xiangyun's arms, crying. Xiangyun patted her back and patiently coaxed her. Holding her until Cui Lu finally stopped crying, she realized that Situ Changge had disappeared.

"Huh? Where is shopkeeper Situ?"

She turned her head, looking around, but couldn't find him. Her heart suddenly felt empty, and she felt like she had been abandoned by someone she relied on and trusted.

She hadn't gone to the hospital to deal with the injuries, and she hadn't found a car to take Cui Wencuixi to the hospital. Why did he leave her alone? How could he leave her?

Xiangyun was extremely aggrieved, lowered his head, and was feeling sad silently, when he suddenly heard a very pleasant voice.

"Okay, let's stop here!"

As soon as she heard the man's voice, Xiangyun's heart suddenly bloomed like a flower. She raised her head in surprise and said to the man walking over with tears in her eyes: "Where have you been? I thought you didn't care about us and left alone." Woolen cloth?"

Situ Changge looked into those rabbit-like eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and said softly: "How could I leave you and go on my own? I'm going to hire a car!"

Hearing this, Xiangyun laughed happily, laughing and crying at the same time: "I knew you wouldn't abandon me!"

Situ Changge didn't say anything, just looked at her silently and nodded solemnly...

The two of them were looking at each other speechlessly. Suddenly, an anxious shout came from the distance: "Young Madam----"

"Young Madam----"

It turned out that two guards and the coachman from Duke Liguo's mansion came for him. Situ Changge frowned slightly, knowing that it was time for him to leave. He whispered: "Your people are here, it's time for me to leave. If you need my help with anything in the future, you can send someone to Shenxing to find me."

Xiangyun glanced at the direction in which the coachman and the two guards were running, feeling a sense of disappointment in her heart. She pursed her lips and said, "I remember, don't worry, if something happens to me, I won't go with you." You are polite!"

Situ Changge nodded, and waited until the two guards ran to Xiangyun's side before he withdrew from the crowd and slowly walked in the direction of the trip...

After this incident, Xiangyun naturally had no time to go to Zhenbao Pavilion to see Caiwei. She watched the two guards carrying Cuiwen Cuilu onto the carriage, and then she followed them and went to Yishantang Medical Center together. The coachman was left behind by her, checking to see if there were any injured people who were missed along the way, so that they could also go to Yishan Hall for treatment, so as not to be late and get the root of their illness.

When she arrived at Yishan Hall, she was horrified to find that there were really many victims in this horse scare incident. Counting major and minor injuries, there were a total of twenty or thirty patients, six or seven of whom were seriously injured. Xiangyun looked at the injured The people blamed themselves, and at the same time they were secretly grateful to Situ Changge. If he hadn't killed the horse in time, no one would know how many people would have been harmed right now!

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