Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1324 I don’t want to reconcile (4)

An Qilu said: "Glass is in short supply in the capital. How many wealthy people from other places go to the capital with their money to buy it. We are too far from the capital in the north. Many wealthy people often complain that we can't sell it here. Now we have to pay for it." Thanks to the Queen, there is glass available for sale in the North, everyone will be happy, and the sales will definitely be good!"

Caiwei said: "With your good advice, I can bring the glass over in about two or three days. At this time in two days, we will meet here again and deliver the glass then."

An Qilu said: "Yes, I will definitely attend my appointment on time in the future!"

After the two of them had reached an agreement, they ordered some more food and started eating and drinking.

During the dinner, Caiwei took advantage of An Qilu not paying attention and secretly sent food into the space many times for the parrot and the old turtle to eat. An Qilu was very surprised when he saw that the food was not served quickly. Why did he see this in front of him? The thin and small queen does not look like a glutton with a huge appetite, but where are all the food that disappeared out of thin air?

After dinner, An Qilu sent his car to take Caiwei back. When she returned home, she saw that the people who went to the Zhou family next door to congratulate her had almost dispersed.So he fished out a pair of finely carved jade bracelets, a jade hairpin and a jade pendant from the spiritual stream in the space, intending to give them to An Ziyi as a congratulatory gift.

Aunt Zhou came out of the house, happened to see Cai Wei, and shouted hurriedly: "You girl, why did you disappear as soon as you turned around this morning? Auntie still left some food for you!"

Caiwei smiled and said, "I saw too many people in the morning and found it too noisy, so I took some time to go to the nursing home to have a look. The nursing home is managed so well. I really want to thank my aunt. I've already had dinner outside, so aunt, don't leave." Don't worry about me!"

As he said this, he handed the things he had prepared over the courtyard wall and said, "I prepared these things for my sister-in-law. My aunt gave them to her for me. I wish them a long life together and a son soon!"

Aunt Zhou took those things, opened them and looked at them. She was startled and quickly pushed those things back and said, "Girl Wei, these are too expensive. Auntie, I can't accept such expensive things from you again." It’s a gift, you’d better keep it and wear it yourself.”

Caiwei stuffed those few things into Aunt Zhou's arms again and said, "Auntie, I don't know how much you have helped our family over the years. Even these jade articles are too simple for me. Auntie, please accept them as soon as possible." !"

Aunt Zhou had no choice but to put away the hairpin rings and said, "Auntie will make dumplings tomorrow morning. Remember to come over and eat them."

At this time tomorrow morning, she is already in the royal city in Lingbei. How can she survive? Caiwei said, "I have something to do tomorrow, so I won't come over. I'll come back later!"

The two of them talked for a while through the wall, and then they went back to their houses.

At night, when it gets dark, Caiwei rides on the white-haired tiger and runs towards Lingbei...

in the capital city

Mo Zili was forcibly taken back from the palace by Duke Li. As soon as he got home, he ignored the dissuasion of others, grabbed a horse and went straight to Zhuangzi where Xiangyun was.

Along the way, he endured the severe pain of the bone injury, gritted his teeth and pumped the horse desperately, wishing he could rush to the village all at once. He had to see her, apologize to her in person, repent, and beg her for mercy. Forgiveness, even if he kneels down to beg her, he will not hesitate. As long as she can give him another chance, he swears that he will never do anything to hurt her in the slightest.

However, when he arrived at Zhuangzi, she was no longer there. Not only her, but also her maids, cages, sewing baskets, and all her belongings were gone. If there weren't traces of their survival in the yard, he almost thought that she had never been there. It never appeared here.

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