Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1325 I don’t want to reconcile (5)

Mo Zili searched like crazy inside and outside Zhuangzi, especially Xiangyun's bedroom, living room, and study. He searched back and forth several times. In the end, he found nothing. Although this result As expected, he still couldn't bear the expected disappointment. He held his head in pain and bent down.

The position of the heart hurts so much!

It was like someone took a very blunt knife and slowly cut his heart. At this moment, his head was empty, and only one thought was surrounding him——

She left, she left him.

Her behavior has shown her attitude. She hates him so much that she will never come back to him again.

She had made peace with him and no longer belonged to him. He no longer had the right to own her, pamper her, love her, or even say a word to her or look at her.

He suddenly remembered the last time he saw her. She argued with him stubbornly and repeatedly emphasized that she was innocent. But why didn't he believe it? Why did he insist on testing her body and causing her to suffer so much humiliation? , was he blinded by oil?

At that time, he cried at the top of his lungs: "Mo Zili, you beast, you bastard, you can't do this to me, I will never forgive you..."

Although he felt sorry for her, he did not stop the women, because at that time, he had been infiltrated by the venom of jealousy and completely lost his mind. If he had stopped the incident in time, would she have stopped it? Left him?

Although he had done so many wrong things, he didn't dare to expect her to forgive him, but as long as she didn't leave him, she could still live with him under the same roof, even if she faced her angry looks or perfunctory disregard every day. Well, at least I can still see her, talk to her, hear her breathing, smell her fragrance, and look for opportunities to please her...

By the way, he hadn't collected all the violet jade jewelry he had collected for her yet, but she had already left...

What she said that day was not a threat to him, she was serious. She would never, ever forgive him. She must hate him to death. For such an optimistic, cheerful, kind and lovely person, she had probably never hated someone so much. People.However, the person she hates the most is him!

When the young man saw his master holding his head and bending there, he could see his pain and loneliness just by looking at his back. He stepped forward to persuade him: "Young master, don't be sad. Although the young lady has left, you will be waiting in a few days." When Grandma Xie Sanqi is born, she will definitely come out to worship her in person. At that time, you can wait for her outside, spend some time with her, coax her and take her back."

When Mo Zili heard this, he seemed to see a ray of light in the darkness. Yes, even though she was gone, he just had to try to find her back. No matter what, he still knew where she was and there was still hope of saving her. Yes, isn't it?

Thinking of this, he reluctantly cheered up and took Chengcai back home.

Early the next morning

Caiwei arrived at the royal city in Lingbei on time. It had been nearly two months since she last came here. It was already freezing cold in Lingbei. All the people wore thick fur clothes and put on their clothes. The small stalls outside have all disappeared, and the commercial street has become more prosperous. Most of the previously idle shops have been rented out, leaving only a dozen or so corner shops still vacant. I think it won’t be long before this happens. , will also be rented out!

After arriving, she first went to Du Yongqi and collected the glass stored in the warehouse.

Today, Lingbei's glass manufacturing industry has achieved comprehensive development. In less than two months, more than 40,000 pieces of glass have been stored. It took some effort for Du Yongqi and his family to count such a huge number. Fortunately, Chaoyun transferred Anguo Gongfu's family, who was sent here by Nangong Yi, to the treasury, and asked their father and son to help Du Yongqi count and count. The Wizards are a little more relaxed.

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