Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1327 Helanna’s trick (1)

It turned out that several warriors sent by the Great Khan of Liaodan to Lingbei waited and waited for Caiwei to come, but they found out that Chaoyun was Caiwei's most effective assistant in Lingbei, so they kidnapped her in the dead of night. I want to use her to lure Caiwei out.

Tuoba Liang fell in love with Chaoyun and had been sending people to keep an eye on her. When he learned that Chaoyun was kidnapped, Tuoba Liang became furious and led his troops to chase them all night long. After chasing them for a day and a night, they finally caught up with them in a mountain forest.

The two sides started a desperate battle. After several fights, Tuoba Liang rescued Chao Yun as he wished.

Chaoyun was kidnapped by them at night. She was sleeping at that time, wearing only a set of cotton clothes. The weather in Lingbei had begun to snow, and the people also wore cotton clothes. The people from Liaodan kidnapped Liao Chaoyun was eager to escape, so she didn't care if Chaoyun was cold. After tying her up, she threw her directly in the car.

When he was rescued by Tuoba Liang, Chaoyun was already frozen, his whole body was cold, his face was purple, and there was no breath in his nose.

Upon seeing this, Tuoba Liang hurriedly hugged her into his arms and used his own body temperature to warm her. He hugged her for a whole night before Chao Yun woke up.

Since then, Chaoyun's attitude towards Tuoba Liang has changed a lot. Although she still refuses to accept his feelings, at least her attitude towards him is no longer as indifferent as before. The relationship between the two has a certain After seeing this rapid progress, Tuoba Liang became more active, wishing that he would encounter something else so that he could heroically save the beauty again and conquer her completely.

Chaoyun briefly told Caiwei what happened that day, but she didn't know why those Liaodan men wanted to kidnap her. After Caiwei heard about this, she thought about how she was almost kidnapped by the Liaodan people the last time she came to Lingbei. She felt that this matter must be related to Saknu. However, what is the purpose of that monster that keeps causing trouble?

Could it be to get her? No, that beast has probably heard about her marriage. Based on his status, he shouldn't go through so much trouble for a married woman!

However, Caiwei does not understand the psychology of men who stand at the top of society. In a man's heart, getting a woman who is hard to get can not only satisfy his desire for this woman, but also prove his authority and ability. .

Look, I want this woman, no matter whether she is married or not, no matter whether she is pregnant and has children, even if she is old, as long as he wants her, he must get her. The harder it is to get her, the more challenging it will be for him. The more exciting sex is, the more it must be for her.

The more powerful men are, the more this is the case. Their pride does not allow them to fail, let alone not being able to get a beloved woman. This mentality often develops into an obsession. Throughout the ages, there have been many tragic battles. That's why.

"Miss, please have some tea!"

A maid with a low eyebrow came out and brought a cup of steaming tea in front of Caiwei, interrupting Caiwei's thoughts.

Caiwei took the tea cup and glanced at the girl unintentionally. She was startled and almost knocked over the tea bowl.

This maid is actually the haunting Mu Caiping!

Caiwei was stunned, and after a while she said, "Why... is she here?"

Chaoyun said in surprise: "Miss, do you know Ping'er?"

Caiwei sneered: "More than just acquaintance, we have quite a connection. You haven't told her yet, why is she here with you?"

Chaoyun said: "She is a poor woman who was punished by the Helan Nalan family. She suffered a lot. Now she was finally released and has nowhere to go. Seeing how pitiful she was, I took her in and let her be my wife." The maid. Miss, how do you know her? From your tone, it seems that she has sinned against you?"

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