Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1328 Helanna’s trick (2)

Before Caiwei could answer, Caiping knelt down with a pop, hugged Caiwei's legs and shouted: "Sister, I know that I have been very excessive in the past and have offended you many times, but those are all things in the past. Please, for the sake of our fellow clansmen, please let me go. Sister... Sister J really has no way to survive now... Please..."

After saying that, he kowtowed to Caiwei with a bang.

Chaoyun said in shock: "Miss, she is yours..."

"It's my cousin!" Caiwei said sarcastically, "However, this cousin of mine has never regarded me as her sister. I suffered a lot from her when I was a child. Even my mother almost did. My son has been plotted by her."

Chao Yun said: "So that's it, miss, it was me who lured the wolf into the house, and I'm going to chase her away." After saying that, he looked at Tuoba Liang with a pair of clear eyes.

Tuoba Liang understood this, turned around and shouted outside: "Here comes someone!"

Immediately, two Mengnu guards appeared at the door. Tuoba Liang glanced at the bottle and said, "Kick this woman away and don't allow her to appear in the commercial street again."

The two guards agreed and came forward to grab the bottle.

Caiping panicked, stood up and took Caiwei's arm, crying: "Sister, please, give me a way to survive..."

Seeing that she was crying exaggeratedly, Caiwei mocked: "I just asked you to leave my territory, and I didn't let them break your arms and legs. If you leave here, you can still live with your own hands, why do you have to stay?" Is it possible that you have some ulterior motives here?"

Just as she was talking, two guards had already grabbed her arms. Cai Ping jumped out of her temper, hugged Cai Wei's shoulders, and tightly grabbed her clothes. While the guards pulled her, she cried: "Sister, my body is broken and I have nowhere to go. Just take me in and give me food to eat..."

Caiwei was pulled tightly by her, even the long hair hanging down her back. She frowned in disgust. Just as she was about to speak, two of Tuoba Liang's guards had already used their strength to pull her out. .

"Sister----eldest sister----"

Mu Caiping cried, his voice getting farther and farther away, and he could see he was being dragged away.

Caiwei straightened her hair that had been pulled loose and ignored the matter of collecting bottles. As if nothing happened just now, she said, "I see that almost all the shops in the commercial street have been rented out. Chao Yun , you are very capable."

Chaoyun said modestly: "I don't deserve any credit. After all, it's thanks to the increasingly cold weather that business can't be done outside now, so everyone thought of renting a shop." After that, he moved into the inner room and moved out. I have a lot of account books and have to account with Caiwei.

Tuoba Liang was still eating his unfinished breakfast slowly. His movements were very elegant and he made no sound at all while eating. He was not as rude and tough as other Mengnu people, but more like Da Jin. The noble son of the country.

Chao Yun moved out the ledgers and saw that Tuoba Liang had no intention of leaving, so he put the pile of ledgers aside and stared at him silently.

Tuoba Liang's eyes were following her. When he saw her eyes coming toward her, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you need me to avoid it?"

Chao Yun asked, "What do you think?"

Tuoba Liang smiled, put down his chopsticks, and stood up leaning on the table. His tall and strong body immediately made Chao Yun look petite and weak. He looked down at her and said, "You promised to cook me a breakfast." For food, this meal can only be counted as half a meal, not counted, I will come back tomorrow morning!"

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