Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1329 Helanna’s trick (3)

After saying that, he nodded to Caiwei and left with his men.

"Miss, let's reconcile the account!"

Chao Yun blushed and tried to cover up his embarrassment with work.

Caiwei looked at Chao Yun's red cheeks and smiled: "Chao Yun, your face is red."

Chao Yunhen turned his head unnaturally and said awkwardly: "Miss, stop joking, let's reconcile the accounts quickly!"

Chao Yun changed the topic, but still refused to face his heart head on.

Although Tuoba Liang treated her extremely well, he rode his horse for a day and a night for her, fought desperately with Liao Dan's soldiers for her, gave her a profitable business at the expense of his own interests, and gave her a profitable business at the expense of her. Put down the dignity of the young prince to please her...

However, she still couldn't accept his feelings. She was afraid that she would be let down after giving her sincerity; she was afraid that he only pursued her on a whim instead of sincerely loving her; she was afraid that their careers would be delayed because of their emotional entanglements. , that would be so sorry for the cultivation and trust that the young lady has placed in her...

Therefore, even though her heart was already clamoring to open to him, and the rigid shell surrounding her heart was slowly melting for him, she was still resisting desperately, not letting herself be in this kind of situation. Sink in emotion...

Caiwei saw that she didn't want to talk about this topic, so she didn't ask further. She just smiled mysteriously and said, "Just wait and see, you won't last long."

After saying that, he started to reconcile with her.

Since the opening of the commercial street, the income from the shops and the rent money from the rental houses have all been in Chaoyun's hands. Chaoyun used it to pay for the glass money that should be paid to Meng Nu in the past two months. The total income is 46,000 Seven hundred and thirteen taels, excluding the 43,220 taels of glass money paid to the Khan, there were still 3,493 taels left.

After checking, Caiwei did not take the more than three thousand taels of silver, but kept the money and asked Chaoyun to give everyone some benefits during the New Year. Everyone left their families and careers to come here to help her with her career, so of course she had to show something.

Not only did the people sent by Nangong Yi provide welfare, she also asked Chaoyang to provide some welfare to the criminal officials who were exiled here, so that they could feel a little warmth in this bitter cold place.

Chao Yun put away the three thousand taels of silver notes, gratefully blessed Caiwei, and said: "Miss, Chao Yun thanks you for everyone. It is everyone's blessing to have you as a boss..."

The bottle was thrown out of the commercial street by Tuoba Liang's guards. She sat on the ground and cried wildly: "Sister, do you have to force me to death..."

The guards spat at her with disdain and turned away. As soon as the guards left, she stood up from the ground with a grunt. She quickly wiped away her tears, smiled sinisterly, and hid a few hairs in her palms in her sleeves. Quickly walked towards the king's tent.

Helan Nayan had already promised her that as long as she could get Caiwei's hair, she would let her go and give her five hundred taels of silver to settle down.

She didn't know why Helan Nalan wanted Mu Caiwei's hair, but from Helan Nalan's eyes, she could see that Yan hated Mu Caiwei very much, even more than she hated her.

Therefore, there must be nothing wrong with wanting her hair. As long as she can pull Mu Caiwei down, she is willing to be Helan Nalan's helper. Even if she is not given the five hundred taels of silver, she is happy. She can tolerate Helan Na torturing her. The men in the brothel abused her, but they couldn't tolerate Mu Caiwei, a man who had been groveling in front of her for many years, to climb over her, especially when she heard that she had become the queen of the Jin Dynasty and married the man who had always been in her dreams. His majesty, the god-like emperor, will never be forgotten until his death.

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