Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1330 Helanna’s trick (4)

We must pull her down, even at the cost of our lives!

Wang Zhangli

Helana, who was pregnant with her belly, got the few hairs and laughed happily: "Hahaha... Mu Caiwei, you bitch, don't you know how to seduce men? Now I have taken away your soul, look. How can you seduce a man? Nangong Yi, don’t you love her to death? This princess will let you taste the feeling of separation and death..."

After laughing crazily for a long time, her eyes suddenly sharpened and she said, "Here comes someone!"

"Mr. Yan, what are your orders?"

A new guard knelt silently in front of her. From the first glance, it was obvious that he was a practitioner.

This guard is from the Xianbei country. Her brother found her a few days ago and gave it to her confidant. He is the kind of trustworthy person who can be entrusted with any important matters.

"Go, hurry back to the Xianbei Palace and give this to my mother!"

Helanna handed the iron box containing Caiwei's hair to the guard and said, "Remember, don't lose it. When you go back to Xianbei, tell my mother to do something quickly. I'm here waiting for her good news!"

"Yes, I obey!"

The guard put the iron box into his arms and quietly exited. As soon as he arrived outside the king's tent, he quickly got on his horse and galloped away in the direction of Xianbei...

In the afternoon, Caiwei, accompanied by Chao Yun, inspected the shops in the commercial street door to door. Those that were well-run were fully affirmed and rewarded. Those that were run poorly helped them analyze the reasons for poor business and explained the reasons for the poor business. A lot of help has been given to a certain extent, and even brothels have been inspected, mainly to check whether there is any phenomenon of forcing girls into prostitution and the hygiene problems of prostitutes when receiving customers.

The reason why she vigorously develops the pornographic industry in Mengnu is to allow the men of Mengnu to fully feel the visual and physical pleasure that healthy women can bring them. Human circumcision, if there is a problem with the hygiene in the brothel and the customers are infected with dirty diseases or something, all her efforts will be wasted!

Fortunately, prostitutes have been instilled with the idea of ​​paying attention to hygiene and cherishing life, so when picking up clients, they try their best to follow the hygiene system set by Caiwei. Although the business is booming, there has not been a single case of sexually transmitted diseases. .

However, Caiwei was not blindly optimistic because of this. After all, the business of the brothel was too prosperous, and the prostitutes' huge business volume still posed great potential safety hazards. Therefore, when she planned to go back, she trained several female gynecologists to , let them go to Lingbei to serve prostitutes exclusively!

In the evening, sisters Dunzhu and Danzhu entertained Caiwei, Chaoyun and others in their roast duck restaurant, and the young prince Tuoba Liang came uninvited to accompany them. Today, Dunzhu and Danzhu’s roast duck restaurants have become the most popular restaurants in Mennu, with tables packed every day. The nobles of Mengnu who were tired of eating beef and mutton now fell in love with the smell of the fragrant and oily roast duck. Dunzhu and Danzhu suddenly became popular in Mengnu.

However, these sisters are a pair of honest and trustworthy women. They always remember Caiwei's kindness. Although Caiwei allows them to open their own shop, they will automatically hand over seven-tenths of their income to Chaoyun every month. , he only kept three tenths, and said he would continue like this.

During the meal, Tuoba Liang kept helping Chaoyun make meat and rolls, taking good care of him. Although Chao Yun kept rejecting him, he seemed not to hear her, nor did he feel embarrassed, and still focused on taking care of her.

Dunzhu was a straightforward man. When he saw that the young prince was so attentive to Chaoyun, he curiously said: "Little prince, why are you so kind to Miss Chaoyun?"

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