Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1331 Helanna’s trick (5)

Tuoba Liang put a rolled pancake into Chaoyun's plate, glanced at her and said, "I probably owe her something in my previous life!"

After hearing this, Chao Yun blushed and lowered her head, revealing a neck as white as jade, which was very different from the skin color on her face.

However, he has gotten used to it, and he is not as disappointed and shocked as when he first saw her. Now, he even thinks that it is good that she looks like this, so that other men will not find her benefits and come to him. fight.

The first time he met her was one evening not long after she came to Mengnu. At that time, he had had dinner and was planning to see the renovation progress of his shops. When passing by the shop where she was, he suddenly I heard the sound of a zheng playing around the beam.

The sound of the piano is clear and smooth, like gurgling water, leisurely, low, and ethereal. The sound reminds people of the orchids in the valley, with a touch of sadness, quiet, elegant, and gentle, like the clear cries of a lonely red bird flying by. Another example is a girl’s little sigh…

The melodious and melodious sound of the piano made him forget who he was and what he wanted to do. He just stood there blankly downstairs, letting the sound of the piano like a mountain and flowing water take him into one world after another. A beautiful and fairyland-like artistic conception...

At the end of the song, the lingering sound made him forget everything.

That night, he did not go to see his shop, but went to visit her. Although her appearance disappointed him, her calm and elegant conversation, elegant and elegant demeanor quickly covered up the shortcomings in her appearance. .

He was shocked to discover that women could be so knowledgeable and wise.

In the days that followed, he couldn't help but pay attention to her. The more he got in touch with her, the more he fell in love with this unassuming woman. After two months of acquaintance, he had already decided that she would be the one to spend the rest of his life with. .

As for the flaws in appearance that others think, it's probably because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He doesn't think she's ugly at all, and even thinks she's quite good-looking. Really, except for a birthmark on her face, the rest of her Everything about her is very good, her facial features are impeccable, her skin is fair and tender, and her figure is slim and slender. Everything seems to be tailor-made for him, completely in line with his aesthetic standards, especially her personality. He has this I have never met a woman with such a temperament in my life. She is soft yet firm, intelligent and restrained, knowledgeable and well-informed. She loves music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She and he simply have the same interests and like-minded aspirations.

There is no doubt that he likes her, but why he likes her, he can't explain. It's probably like what he just joked, he owed her something in his previous life!

Caiwei looked at Chaoyun worriedly. Although she was still trying her best to defend herself, trying to keep her heart calm, but under such a fierce attack by this gentle and affectionate young prince, her heart would be broken sooner or later. They captured it!

After dinner, Caiwei went back to rest early on the pretext of drinking too much. After the moon reached the branches, she called out the white-haired tiger and let it carry her back to Qingyun Town.

For the white-haired tiger, the distance between Lingbei Royal City and Qingyun Town is not too far. It arrived before the fourth watch. When it arrived at the town, Caiwei took the white-haired tiger into the space and walked in alone. small town.

When she returned to her house, she used the moonlight to sneak over the wall, sneaked into the house, and went to sleep in the space.

In the morning, while she was still sleeping, she was woken up by Aunt Zhou shouting through the wall.

"Weier, Weier----"

Aunt Zhou shouted loudly, and Caiwei flashed out of the space, walked into the yard as promised, gasped and greeted Aunt Zhou on the other side of the wall: "Good morning, Aunt Zhou!"

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