Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1338 Mo Zili’s pain (6)

Today, if word spreads about Mr. Li's appearance in the young lady's monastery, the young lady will have to jump into the Yellow River to wash her away, and the aunts and ladies at home will have to drown her with saliva.

Therefore, although the two girls were anxious, they did not dare to call anyone. They could only plead in a low voice: "Sir, please leave quickly. If you are seen here, our young lady's life in the house will be even more difficult." Already..."

Mo Zili was heartbroken because of Xiangyun's words. When he heard Cuiping's plea, he was startled. What does it mean to be more sad? Could it be that her life in the mansion was not easy?

Then I thought again, yes, a divorced woman returning to her parents' home will definitely bring many bad effects to her parents' family. People in the mansion will definitely be dissatisfied with her. Come to think of it, her life in the mansion must be very unpleasant. It's better, otherwise she wouldn't be so thin that she was so weak that he felt heartbroken just looking at her!

After taking a breath, Mo Zili looked at Xiangyun and said distressedly: "Is your life at your parents' house not good? Someone is bullying you?"

With the courage of two girls, Xiangyun was no longer so afraid. She clenched her fists and said, "No one bullies me, and even if they do, it's not your turn to comment. This is my business. Don't forget, We have no relationship anymore!"

Hearing this, Mo Zili tightened his hands behind his back and said, "No matter what you think of me, I will never stand idly by when others bully you. "

After hearing this, Xiangyun sneered: "What qualifications do you have to say such a thing? Who am I and why do you care about me?"

Mo Zili said calmly: "I am your husband, so I am naturally qualified to take care of you!"

Upon hearing this, Xiangyun almost laughed out of anger. She sneered and said, "I remember a month ago, the emperor made a eloquent statement and judged that the two of us would reconcile. Did I remember it wrong? Or have you forgotten it like crazy?"

Mo Zili said: "Although the emperor issued the decree, I did not sign the peace and separation. According to the laws of Jin Dynasty, the peace and separation must be signed by both men and women before it can take effect. Therefore, even if the emperor decides on peace and separation, it will not take effect." I didn't sign the letter of departure, so I've done countless things."

He made Xiangyun so angry that he used strong words and even claimed to be her husband. She clenched her fists and said loudly: "Whatever you think, I don't think I have anything to do with you. If you come to harass me again, , don’t blame me for being rude to you!"

Mo Zili smiled bitterly and said, "When have you ever been polite to me? However, no matter what you do to me, I deserve it. As long as you are happy, I will accept whatever you do to me."

Seeing that he kept standing there with no intention of leaving, Xiangyun didn't bother to argue with him. Even if he argued, it would be useless. This man was as stubborn as a stone and would not listen to her at all.

She quickly put on her clothes and got off the ground, wanting to leave here. Cuiping and Cuilan also saw her thoughts and were busy helping her put on her shoes and tie her clothes.

After getting dressed, she hurried out without saying a word to him, or even looking at him, as if she couldn't wait to leave him.

Looking at her back, Mo Zili's heart failed. For a month, he missed her so much that he almost went crazy. He couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep. But when people saw him, it was as if they had seen a ghost and they didn't think about him. She didn't say a single word, and she hated him in every possible way.

He has always been aloof and arrogant, with an indifferent temperament. In the past, if someone had said this to him, he would have turned around and walked away. He would never have anything to do with her again in this life, but not now. He was already in her arms. In front of her, his self-esteem and arrogance no longer existed, let alone dignity and arrogance. As long as she was willing to look back, he would be willing to kneel down even if she asked him to.

Kneel down!

A man has gold at his knees. If he really kneels to a woman, he will be looked down upon and ridiculed by others in his life.

However, it doesn't matter to be looked down upon and ridiculed. What does it matter as long as she is willing to look back and kneel down?

"Wu Xiangyun!"

He roared so loudly that Xiangyun trembled. She turned back tremblingly and looked at him in horror: "What are you going to... do? This is not your Liguo Palace. If you mess around, I……"

"Tell me, what do you have to do to forgive me?"

"Do you have to kneel down?"

"Say it?"

Mo Zili roared loudly, took a step forward, and looked at Xiangyun intently.

However, the revelation of his true feelings frightened Xiangyun. She took a step back in horror, suddenly turned around, and ran away as if escaping from the plague...

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