Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1339 Choosing a concubine for the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom (1)

Mo Zili was extremely frustrated. In order to see her, he tried his best to bribe the maids of Jian'an Hou Mansion and the abbot of Daguo Temple. He also hid in this Zen room like a thief all morning. As a result, she attracted such disgust from her...

After leaving Daiguo Temple, Chengcai greeted him enthusiastically. He was about to ask him if he had seen the young lady, but as soon as he saw the unlucky face, he shut up obediently, opened the car curtain, and asked him to sit down. Go in.

The carriage gurgled away from Daguo Temple and drove towards Duke Liguo's Mansion. Mo Zi sat in the carriage with his eyes closed, his heart felt like he had been stung by a bee, with bursts of sharp pain, thinking of her decisive expression. His face, that look of hatred, and your ruthless words made him suddenly feel like he had no way out of heaven or earth. What should he do to win her heart back?

Along the way, he was thinking hard. When the car was approaching Duke Li Guo's Mansion, he suddenly opened his eyes, knocked on the wall of the car and said, "Turn around and go to Jian'an Marquis Mansion!"

Chengcai, who was sitting on the shaft of the carriage, was surprised and said, "Sir, the Marquis of Jian'an and his wife have already accompanied them to the hunting ground. The young lady is still at Daguo Temple. What are you doing there?"

In the car, Mo Zili's voice came from Senliang.

"When did the master need you as a slave to take care of his affairs?"

Chengcai calmly closed his mouth and gave the coachman a helpless look. The coachman had no choice but to turn the car around and head towards Jian'an Marquis' Mansion.

The Marquis of Jian'an Mansion is located on Changping Street. It is a century-old home of nobles and nobles. The Marquis of Jian'an, Ji, is nearly fifty this year. He was born as a military general and has been an official in the court for many years. His sleeves are clean and his body is upright, but there is one thing about him. A very despised problem - lust.

In addition to official wives, he married eight or nine aunts alone, and countless girls who were married to him. Among these concubines, his favorite was Aunt Hua.

Aunt Hua is thirty years old. She is a stunning beauty. She was originally a filial piety from one of his subordinates. She was born as a dancing prostitute. This girl is not only good at singing and dancing, but also knows poetry and calligraphy. The favorite of the house, Marquis Jian'an actually stayed in her courtyard for seven or eight days every month, which even his wife could not catch up with.

Aunt Hua was favored, and the children she gave birth to were naturally favored as well. Aunt Hua gave birth to two children, a son and a daughter. The son was only seven years old and had a tiger-like head. He was just enlightened and was the most favored son of Marquis Jian'an; the daughter Wu Xiangling, who is thirteen years old this year, is as tall and graceful as a hibiscus. He was originally destined to be a concubine of the Duke of Fu as his wife. However, after Xiangyun and his wife left, the Duke of Fu suddenly turned against her and started to use the reputation of the Marquis of Jian'an. In the name of injustice, Wu Xiangling came to cancel the marriage, causing Wu Xiangling to shed tears all day long, and hated the culprit Wu Xiangyun until his teeth...

Aunt Hua was also deeply dissatisfied with Xiangyun's involvement in her daughter. She had been crying and complaining about her grievances on Marquis Jian'an's pillow for the past month. However, Marquis Jian'an always kept a clear distinction between public and private affairs. No matter how coquettish and infatuated she was, she still stood on her side. Wu Xiangyun's side insisted that Xiangyun's reconciliation was not wrong, and refused to listen to her good advice, so he sent Xiangyun to a nunnery to live out his life.

Aunt Hua couldn't resist him, and she had nowhere to vent her resentment, so she had no choice but to speak ill of Xiangyun everywhere, openly and secretly ridiculing him, to vent her grievances.

Everyone in the house knew that Aunt Hua was favored and that the foxy girl in the house was used to being domineering. Therefore, even if they knew that she was bullying the eldest lady, everyone pretended not to see it and allowed them to squeeze and tease the eldest lady. No one dared to show up. He even dared not report the matter to the Marquis and his wife, so as not to cause trouble and harm himself.

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