Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1340 Choosing a concubine for the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom (2)

The eldest lady suffered a great humiliation and returned home with Li. She was already heartbroken and haggard. How could she withstand their cynicism and code words? After being ridiculed several times, I finally couldn't bear the blow and fell ill. I lay down for more than half a month before I got up. Now, although I have recovered from the illness, I have lost a lot of weight and am a little thin. Now that I'm out of phase, I talk a lot less than before. I stay in the house almost all day and rarely go out, so as not to worry about hearing those gossips.

Today, for the first time, she went out to perform rituals for Aunt Xie. Aunt Hua knew this, but she still deliberately discredited her in front of her family.

"Hey, now that the Marquis and his wife are not here, and the eldest lady has gone, I don't know where she is. Our house is really deserted."

In the flower hall, Aunt Hua was sitting at the top, arrogantly complaining to the aunts and concubines. Before Marquis Jian'an and Mrs. Wu left for the hunting ground, they left everything in the house to her. It was a rare occasion when they were so beautiful. , she called everyone here early in the morning on the pretext of discussing business to show her authority.

Aunt Liu was an old lady in the mansion and Mrs. Wu's dowry girl. When Aunt Hua heard what she said, she said, "The eldest lady went to Daguo Temple to perform a ritual for Aunt Xie. This happened three days ago." I told everyone, why, didn’t Aunt Hua hear about it?"

Aunt Hua sneered and said: "These words are just used to coax you cotton-eared people. They are used to fool me. Even if you beat me to death, I won't believe it. I think the eldest lady was detained in the house for a month. What's the matter? I can't see the person I'm meeting, so I'm panicking, so I'll take advantage of the absence of the Marquis and his wife to go out and meet that person."

Before he could finish his words, the aunts present immediately started talking, and the concubines all blushed, and gradually lowered their heads in shame.

Aunt Liu said: "Aunt Hua, you can't say this without any basis. Madam will not agree to it if it ruins the reputation of the young lady."

Aunt Hua was not afraid of Madam. When Aunt Liu used Madam to suppress her, she became even more angry and laughed in a sinister manner.

"When it comes to the word "Qingyu", all the girls in our family have it, but the eldest lady does not. Think about it, why does Duke Liguo's family want to reconcile with our eldest lady?"

At this point, she covered her mouth with a handkerchief and sneered: "Let me tell you, our eldest lady found a lover outside. She got into trouble with her uncle on an excuse and went to the village to fool around with the lover. , but her uncle got it, so he wanted to divorce her. The two families were family friends, and Duke Li was afraid that divorcing her would affect the relationship between the two families, so he asked the emperor for permission to reconcile. This matter has already been done The news has spread all over the city, but we women who stay in the back house all day are the only ones who don’t know about it."

After everyone heard this, they started to discuss it like a pot. Several aunts who were good friends with Aunt Hua echoed Aunt Hua and sighed: "It is true that this eldest lady has caused such a scandal. It's nothing more than being embarrassed, and it also affects the girls in the house who are despised by others. Let's talk about this third lady, such a pure and pure girl, but because of her, she suffered an unreasonable disaster. Hey, the marriage affairs of the girls in our house will be afraid in the future. It’s going to be difficult!”

These words touched Aunt Hua's heart. She put down her tea cup angrily and said: "Sisters, most of us have daughters. We must not let our daughters not get married or get married because of her." If you don't get what you want, why don't we all petition the Marquis to send the eldest daughter to a nunnery, so that she can avoid a smelly fish and a pot of soup, ruining our daughter's future."

"Yes, Aunt Hua is right."

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