Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1341 Choosing a concubine for the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom (3)

"We will go when the Marquis comes back. If the Marquis does not agree, we will kneel in the yard and not get up.  "

"That's right, there's no reason to ruin so many of our daughters for a shabby shoe!"

Everyone was filled with indignation, and just as they were talking enthusiastically, a report suddenly came from outside, saying that Mr. Li from Duke Li's mansion wanted to see all his aunts.

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned. How could Mr. Li think of meeting them? This... was against the rules!

It is not easy for a woman from a wealthy family to see her husband. Not to mention that Xiangyun has reconciled with Mo Zili. Even if there is no reconciliation, there is no reason for an uncle to see his father-in-law's concubine.

Aunt Hua asked the woman who reported the news: "What did he say?"

The mother-in-law said: "Master Li just said that I have something important to say to you aunts. It is related to the life and death of your aunts and my aunts' families. Please don't refuse."

The words were so serious, and they all knew the power of Duke Li Guo's government, so they didn't dare not meet him.

Aunt Hua ordered people to place the eight large flower and bird screens in the flower hall in the center of the room, dividing the flower hall into two. She took all the aunts and concubines inside, and asked Mo Zili to stay outside the screen, so that The two parties could talk but did not meet.

Mo Zili came outside the big screen of flowers and birds in the flower hall, and did not salute. He only said in a cold voice: "I am here today for no one else. I heard that Xiangyun was ostracized and slandered by others in her mother's family, which made her sick with worry. She became seriously ill. Now that this matter has passed, I will no longer pursue it. However, if someone dares to hurt her secretly again, I will never stand idly by and the consequences will definitely not be something she can afford!"

In the following words, his tone had become very sinister.

Aunt Hua said with a guilty conscience: "Master Li, haven't you already reconciled with our eldest lady? Why are you still meddling in her business?"

Mo Zili said coldly: "At that time, it was not the turn of any servant to comment on what happened between us. You just need to remember that if she is hurt at all, your family and children, including you, will You have to pay her back twice as much!"

After that, he turned around and left coldly.

The aunts and concubines were left with stunned faces. Everyone looked at each other. Although they were dissatisfied, no one dared to say anything...

Caiwei slept until the afternoon before waking up. After getting up, her body felt a lot more relaxed. After washing herself, she called Qiu to bring her the royal meal.

What she brought was a plate of roasted roasted meat that was brown and crispy. The roasted roasted meat was extremely fragrant, oily and steaming. The meat was sliced ​​into thin slices and spread on a plate. Eat with pre-mixed condiments.

In addition to the barbecue, there is also a plate of cold bracken, cold spinach and peanuts, and a plate of boiled edamame.

Caiwei's diet has always been simple. She only eats four dishes and one soup for each meal. She is not like the empresses of the past dynasties who had to eat dozens of dishes for every meal. She didn't say anything when she couldn't eat, which was a waste of manpower and material resources.

Caiwei added a piece of barbecue, put it in her mouth, tasted it, and praised: "Well, what kind of meat is this? It's really delicious!"

Chunliu said: "It's venison, fresh venison. The emperor just hunted it. He ordered it to be sent back and roasted. When the empress wakes up, it will be served to the empress."

When Caiwei heard this, her heart felt warm, and the meat tasted even more delicious in her mouth.

After eating, Caiwei wiped her mouth and took Huanqiu and Chunliu for a walk outside, chatting and digesting their food.

Huanqiu said: "My dear, I heard that there will be a bonfire banquet tonight to barbecue the prey that we have hunted today. The ladies from each province can play and perform and write poems to add to the fun. If you perform well, you will be rewarded by the Queen Mother."

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