Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1345 If you love someone, believe it (1)

The bright moon is in the sky, the night is dark, and the stars are twinkling in the endless sky. On the grass of the hunting ground, everyone is sitting in their seats, looking at these famous ladies and looking forward to their performances.

The ladies who signed up to enter the palace to serve the emperor were ordered by the queen to temporarily return to their seats and perform again tomorrow; the ladies who had no intention of entering the palace began to perform one after another at the queen's order. The ladies from these wealthy families are all talented, and their performances are also rich and colorful. Some perform playing the piano, some perform painting, some perform pot throwing, and some enjoy composing poems...

Because she was choosing Situ Changge’s future wife, and this wife was also related to the future development of relations between the two countries, Caiwei was particularly attentive. This wife must come from a famous family, be worthy of Situ Changge’s status as crown prince, and be worthy of Situ Changge’s status as crown prince. You must be well-educated and intelligent, and you will be able to promote the friendly relations between Jin Dynasty and Qingluo Kingdom in the future!

After careful selection, Caiwei and Nangong Yi each chose their favorite targets. Nangong Yi chose Mo Shuya, the daughter of Mo Zijing, the Duke of Liguo. Shuya is now twelve years old and has a literary talent. Outstanding, lively and intelligent, and close to Nangong Yi, he will definitely do his best to promote the development of relations between the two countries when he arrives in Qingluo Kingdom.

What Caiwei likes is Princess Chaogui. Chaogui is a princess and her status is noble enough. Although she is the adopted daughter of Concubine Jin, Chaogui already knows about Concubine Jin's murder of her mother and her daughter, so she doesn't There is talk of avenging Concubine Jin and the deposed prince. What's more, Chao Gui is a smart and current person. She needs the support of the Jin Dynasty. Therefore, when she arrives in Qingluo Kingdom, she will definitely try her best to promote peace between the Jin Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. The friendly development of Qingluo Kingdom!

The performance is still going on. After the ladies have finished their performances, it is the turn of the princes from each mansion to come on stage. All the young princes are very active, including sword dancing, wrestling, archery, poetry and singing. Every performance is very exciting. Caiwei thinks , the reason why these young men perform so hard is probably to leave a good impression on the ladies from various houses. After all, there are not many opportunities to get along with the rich ladies without any barriers.

The performance continued, and everyone was still watching with interest. The palace maids began to serve the dishes. The first thing they served were all kinds of snacks. Those snacks were all made by the royal chefs in the palace. The styles were exquisite and complicated, which made people unbearable. Xiakou.

Caiwei looked at these exquisite snacks, then turned around and told Chunliu: "Ask the imperial chef to make two portions of these snacks, and send one to the Mu Mansion, and take a look at how Madam is doing. "Send the other portion to the eldest lady of Jian'an Hou Mansion and tell her that I will summon her to the palace to talk when I get back."

After Chunliu went down, Empress Dowager Mo said coldly: "The young lady of Marquis Jian'an is unruly and has made such shameless rumors that the people gossiped about behind their backs. The Liguo Palace has also been embarrassed, so the Queen will not punish her." That's all, you still don't distinguish between friend and foe and just treat her well. Have you forgotten who is your relative?

Caiwei picked up a piece of rose pastry and said slowly while eating it: "Of course I know who my relatives are. If it weren't for the sake of relatives, based on the stupid things Mo Zili did, I would have been killed long ago." If we deal with him, how can we allow him to wander around the Marquis of Jian'an Mansion like he's still okay?"

What Caiwei told was the truth. When she came back from Lingbei, she learned about Xiangyun and Mo Zili's reconciliation, and also heard that Mo Zili had found someone to test Xiangyun's body. She was so angry that she wanted to go there. Duke Li Guo's Mansion found out the confused Mo Zili and dealt with him ruthlessly. If Nangong Yi hadn't been holding on to him and trying to persuade and comfort him in every possible way, Mo Zili would have been in such a miserable state right now!

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