Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1346 If you love someone, believe it (2)

Empress Dowager Mo was choked by Caiwei and choked with anger. After thinking for a while, she sneered and said: "The Empress is so majestic. It seems that if Li'er hadn't gotten the favor of Duke Li Guo's house, she might be the one right now." There is no more bad luck. "

Caiwei said unceremoniously: "That's natural. I hate people who betray my heart the most in my life. Mo Zili not only betrayed his heart, but also caused my good sister to suffer such shame and humiliation. He can be safe and sound now, but it's just because he has been cheated." The light of the Duke’s Mansion!"

If Nangong Yi hadn't made peace with him, and thought that Fei'er would have to marry into Duke Li Guo's house in the future, it would be hard to do things too well. Based on what Mo Zili had done, Caiwei would have done it long ago. !

Empress Dowager Mo was choked again, her face looked ugly. She sneered a few times, turned around, and said to Concubine Li, Concubine Yao and others who were attacking her: "I will choose a concubine for the emperor tomorrow, so I have to trouble you sisters to keep their eyes open." , The emperor is lacking a gentle, sensible, humble and submissive person. If he gets such a satisfactory concubine, I will laugh even in my dreams.

Concubine Li said: "Don't worry, Queen Mother. Concubines and concubines should do their best to handle the Emperor's affairs."

Caiwei knew that Empress Dowager Mo was trying to confront her about the emperor's selection of concubines, so she smiled maliciously and said, "The emperor is very selective, and he will never favor a woman who doesn't suit his needs. Otherwise, the harem will not be full of women." I am the only concubine. When you are troubled to choose, you must remember to choose someone who is more beautiful than me, and has a softer figure than me. Also, the dowry must be richer than me. Otherwise, you will pick something crooked. The emperor will not only favor her and consecrate her to her, but he will also hate her!"

When the concubines heard this, they were immediately stumped. She looked better than Empress Mu. Let alone the noble ladies in the capital, even looking at the entire Jin Dynasty, they couldn't find anyone else!

Let's talk about the dowry. Queen Mu's dowry is more than one million taels. Such a huge dowry is not much different from the annual tax revenue of the Jin Dynasty. Who among the ministers has much money and can spend so much money at once? Even if it could be taken out, who would dare to take it out?

After Caiwei finished speaking, she glanced at Empress Dowager Mo with a smile and said, "The Empress Dowager will be here tomorrow. I am waiting for you to pick out such a lovely person!"

After saying that, he stood up and said to Nangong Yi: "Your Majesty, I am looking at the night view on the mountain. It is really beautiful. I am going to go for a walk and I will leave first."

When Nangong Yi heard this, he stood up in a hurry and said, "Where are you going? I will go with you, Xiaozhi, bring the queen's cloak."

Xiaozhi silently handed over Caiwei's black gold velvet cloak with colorful nine-tailed phoenixes. Nangong Yi took it, put it on Caiwei himself, and carefully tied a bow for her, then took her hand and He left in full view of everyone.

Concubine Yao De looked at the chapped Empress Dowager Mo and joked awkwardly: "Haha, the emperor and the queen are really deeply in love as husband and wife. They are really the blessing of my great success, haha..."

Empress Dowager Mo reluctantly twitched her lips and squeezed out a few words between her teeth: "Let's watch the show."

As he spoke, his eyes seemed to be staring at the young men who were performing wrestling by the campfire seriously, but the hands under the table were tightly held.

This hateful bitch actually slapped her in the face in front of everyone. It was so hateful!

What's even more hateful is that rebellious son. Seeing that bitch disobeying her, he seems not to notice, but still treats her with all kinds of tenderness. How can he still see her as a mother in his eyes? I really married a daughter-in-law and forgot about my mother...

Caiwei walked out with Nangong Yi, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I feel clean now. If I continue to listen to what she says, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to control my temper and confront her in public!"

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