Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1348 If you love someone, believe it (4)

Mo Zili chuckled lightly, and You Ning said calmly: "If you love her, then you believe her. She is the person I love deeply. I can trust her character. The example given by the princess is not enough to explain anything. Please give me some advice." Princess, please stop doing such useless work in the future. It is more meaningful to have time to improve yourself than to stare at others all day long and try every means to find fault with them.  "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Nangong Yu finally met him and asked him out, but she was not willing to just let him go. She ran a few steps forward eagerly and shouted: "Brother Ziqi, listen to me——"

However, Mo Ziqi didn't even look back and strode towards the camp.

Nangong Yu ran for a few steps, and suddenly she said "Ouch" and fell to the ground. She hugged her injured ankle and cried out in pain: "Brother Ziqi, my leg is sprained----" "

Mo Ziqi's figure froze for a moment and turned around slowly. Nangong Yu saw this and cried with joy. She sobbed and said, "I knew that brother Ziqi would not ignore me. He used to like me so much." , even if you are angry with me again, you will not hurt me at all..."

Mo Ziqi said indifferently: "What the princess said is absolutely true. I will not ignore the princess. After all, the princess is my aunt's only daughter. Please wait a moment, princess. I will ask someone to carry the princess back. "

With that said, he turned around and left resolutely.

Nangong Yu shouted in panic: "Brother Ziqi, you can't leave me here alone in the barren mountains. What if a wild beast comes out?"

Caiwei couldn't bear it anymore, walked out quickly, and said coldly: "We are here to help you!"

Caiwei came out, and Nangong Yi had no choice but to follow. Nangong Yu was shocked when she saw them. She thought that what she just said must have been heard by them, and she felt depressed, especially those words she slandered Mu Caifei. The queen will definitely remember her words and take revenge on her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't care less about the sadness of being rejected by Mo Ziqi, and became frightened. I don't know since when, she became more and more afraid of Mu Caiwei, even more than she was afraid of Nangong Yi. A casual look from her was enough to make her tremble!

When Mo Ziqi saw Caiwei and Nangong Yi appear, he felt more relieved and left without looking back.


Nangong Yu called out timidly, not daring to raise her eyes to see anyone.

Caiwei crossed her arms and sneered, "Chaoyue, after all, you are also the princess of a country. Your words and deeds are related to the face of our Jin Dynasty and your brother's face. Think about it for yourself. Is it right to go to this barren mountain to meet up with a man in vain? Moreover, he has clearly rejected you, so you should also care about the royal face. Why are you so shameless that you refuse to let go, and even do it for this? To slander other people's reputations. Your so-called evidence is nothing compared to the shocking things you did at that time. I don't know what you think, but you have the courage to expose other people's chastity problems. It's really How ridiculous!"

Nangong Yu lowered her head, listening to Caiwei's sarcasm, and she felt so aggrieved that big tears rolled down her face. She thought back to when she was still a high-ranking princess, and she, Mu Caiwei, was just the daughter of a sour scholar. She will be given a big gift. But now it's the other way around. She who used to be so aloof has been stepped into the dust by this sour scholar's daughter, and is left to be ridiculed and chastised by her. It's really a changing world and a twist of fate!

Seeing Nangong Yu shedding tears but not saying a word, Nangong Yu said coldly: "I have said before that your temper is rude and stupid, and you must temper it, otherwise you will cause trouble, but you don't Listen, Fei incited my mother to go on a hunger strike to force me to let you out. As a result, you made trouble as soon as you came out. In the middle of the night, you ignored the royal dignity and ran out to chase men. If this kind of thing spreads, How do you let others see our royal family, and how can the other princesses get married? Nangong Yu, when will you gain some momentum and stop letting me down?"

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