Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1349 If you love someone, believe it (5)

Hearing Nangong Yi's ruthless condemnation, Nangong Yu was ashamed. She lowered her head, sobbed and cried, and said intermittently: "Brother, you didn't treat me like this before. You used to love me so much, and you would rely on me for everything." It's mine, but, but now..."

While crying, she suddenly broke out, pointed at Caiwei, and said sternly: "It's all her, this vixen. Ever since you had her, you have been separated from me and your mother. In your eyes, She is the only one in my heart. She is even closer to her sister than to me. Brother, if you do this, it really hurts the hearts of my mother and me..."

Seeing that she still didn't repent, Nangong Yi was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out. He whispered, "If it weren't for this vixen in your mouth, your brother would have gone to hell long ago and turned into a pile of bones. How can you and your mother live such a comfortable life now? If I had died, even if you were lucky enough to be alive now, you would have been tortured by Concubine Jin and her son. If I were separated from you, Have you ever reflected on what you have done? You teamed up with that idiot Helana to drug me, and you teamed up with that poisonous woman Tuotuo to poison me. Do you know what the consequences would be if I were poisoned? If I don’t care about human kindness. "

"I have never intervened in the affairs of Ziqi and the second girl of the Mu family, because from the very beginning I have planned to let you each rely on your own abilities and compete fairly. Ziqi didn't choose you, so what does it have to do with me? However, if I It's Ziqi, I will never choose you!"

"Stop talking, stop talking..."

Nangong Yu covered her ears and cried loudly, shouting: "I know it's my fault, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm willful, all of you hate me and look down on me, not just you, even brother Ziqi hates me, who None of them like me..."

Caiwei said: "You are a high-ranking princess who should be looked up to and worshiped by others. The reason why you have fallen to such a level like a rat crossing the street is all your own doing. If I were you, I would care about you." Get up and reflect on yourself, find out your own mistakes, change your ways, strive to stand up as soon as possible, and regain the respect of others, instead of blaming your own mistakes on others and shirking the responsibilities you should bear! "

After hearing this, Nangong Yu's body trembled slightly. She looked at Caiwei blankly, and her crying gradually became quieter. The night wind came, and she curled up her legs, buried her face in her knees, and sobbed weakly. The sound was also drowned by the gurgling stream...

Although Nangong Yu is hateful, she is alone in the mountains now. It is impossible for Nangong Yi and Caiwei to abandon her. There are often wild beasts in the mountains. If she is really eaten by a wild beast, Nangong Yi will not be able to bear it. It will be better.

The romantic plan of taking his wife out went bankrupt. Nangong Yi glared at Nangong Yu with hatred, took off his cloak, spread it on the rocks by the stream, and let Caiwei sit down.

The mountain breeze was blowing, the stream was gurgling, and in the quiet mountain forest, several people were sitting quietly, and no one made a sound.

Nangong Yu felt uncomfortable, and Nangong Yi felt equally uncomfortable. How could his mother and sister, who had always been dependent on each other, become so unreasonable.

Caiwei also looked sad, thinking about Nangong Yu's investigation of Fei'er. She even found out that the purse on Huo Yuan was embroidered by Fei'er, which shows how much effort she put into it.

It's her fault to mention this. She didn't think too much and gave Fei'er's things to Huo Yuan. I hope Mo Ziqi won't misunderstand Fei'er because of this. If he really If she harbors a grudge, her sin will be great.

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