In fact, she does not agree with the tradition of breast-feeding children in this era. When children grow up on the milk of wet nurses, they no longer kiss their own mothers, just like Xiangyun. Although she respects Mrs. Wu very much, but in In her heart, the nanny is the person closest to her. Not only Xiangyun, but also others. Although Nangong Yi's nanny has been dead for many years, after Nangong Yi ascended the throne, he posthumously named her the first-class lady. Every time he mentioned his nanny, he would show a look of attachment. Come on, his expression is much warmer than when he mentioned Queen Mo.

Therefore, she has decided that when she gives birth to a child in the future, she will feed it by herself. She will not let her child take someone else as her mother in order to maintain her body shape or reduce her burden!

Du opened her clothes and while feeding the little baby, she said softly: "Weier, give your sister a name. You are the queen, and the name you give will bring blessings to your sister!"

Caiwei thought for a while and said, "My sister is pretty and will be a stunning beauty when she grows up. Why not call her Caidie!"

Mu Zhongqing muttered: "Mu Cai Die, Die, I want to compete with the butterfly, but the catkins are not withered. Good, what a good name! I don't expect her to be as beautiful as Die'er when she grows up, I just hope she can be as beautiful as Die'er. Just feel free and happy!"

After looking at the baby for a while, it was already very late. Caiwei went back to her previous yard to rest. When she was sleeping soundly, the window suddenly opened. Caiwei was sitting and lying on alert. She was instantly awakened. She remained calm. He took out the sword from the space, and was about to attack suddenly when the incoming person approached, when he suddenly smelled the familiar scent of ambergris. Her heart warmed, she put away the knife and said with a smile: "It's so late, why are you here?"

While he was talking, Nangong Yi had already walked over and said, "Such a big thing happened, how could I not come?"

As he said that, he took out the fire stick and lit the candlestick on the table. He held the candle and looked at Caiwei carefully. When he saw that Caiwei was indeed safe and sound, he felt relieved.

Caiwei saw that the man was breathing heavily and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. Knowing that he was here in a hurry, Caiwei hugged his waist, rubbed her soft face against his chest, and said softly: " Everyone has said that there is nothing anyone can do to me? But you don’t believe it. You come here so late at night. If those censors find out, you should say what you should."

Nangong Yi sat down and took off his boots while saying, "How can I feel relieved if I don't see you? To be honest, are you really okay?"

While he was talking, he had already got on the bed and looked at Caiwei from head to toe.

"It's okay, I'm really okay!"

Caiwei looked at him with a smile, her whole heart melted and felt so warm.

Nangong Yi looked at her for a while longer, then stretched out his arms to hug her. The two of them lay on the couch, motionless and silent. In the past, the man would have been restless when he held her like this, but now he was extremely honest. He just kept holding her so tightly, as if she would fly away if he let go.

In his warm embrace, Caiwei gradually fell asleep...

When she woke up the next morning, the man had already left. Caiwei looked at the place where he had slept and laughed silly for a while. She got up when she heard some movement outside.

Fei'er sent the eldest girls Liuli and Liuzhu beside her to help Caiwei dress up. While washing up, Caiwei asked, "I just heard the commotion outside. What happened?"

Liu Zhu said: "Master Mu San is here. Miss Lian'er of his family is getting married today, but there is no decent relative or friend to see her off. Master Mu San wants to ask our master to support her appearance."

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