Lian'er is getting married to Ji Wanfu today. Caiwei felt a sense of dismay in her heart. I really don't know what Lian'er is thinking. Will she get the happiness she expected if she marries into a rich and noble family?

Although Caiwei knew what kind of life she would live in the future, she had to find this for herself and had nothing to do with anyone else. I hope she could hold on!

After breakfast, Caiwei left first. There were still many things waiting for her at the hunting ground. For example, she had to know who wanted to kill her when interrogating the assassin last night. Another example was what Empress Dowager Mo was thinking about. The matter of 'choosing a concubine' for the emperor, if she, the queen, were not present, others would definitely think that she was jealous and intolerant!

When she came out of the house, she was surprised to see Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue waiting at the gate with dozens of guards. Seeing her coming out, Zhui Feng stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the Emperor ordered me to come forward." I'm here to take you back, please get in the car!"

Not far away, a car that was slightly larger than an ordinary carriage was parked there. It was made of elm wood, with a green curtain covering the roof. There were no carvings or other decorations on the body, making it look extremely simple.

Huanqiu came over and helped her get into the carriage. Only when she got into the car did she realize the mystery of the car.

It turns out that the walls of this car are thickened. They are three times thicker than ordinary car walls. They are also made of hard elm wood. Their sturdiness is indescribable to an arrow or an axe. Can't be split.

Of course Caiwei was happy that her man cared about her and cared about her so much. She sat in the car and stroked the solid and thick walls. She couldn't help but curl her lips, and a trace of warmth rippled in her heart...

Huan Qiu said: "In such a hurry at night, we can only build such a simple car. Your Majesty, please just make do with it. The Emperor has already ordered the Military Industry Department to build a car as soon as possible that can prevent assassins and launch hidden weapons." Car, please wait for me, you will be able to ride in a car like that soon!"

Caiwei nodded with a smile and asked, "Is the emperor going out hunting?"

Huanqiu said: "No, the assassin was very tough last night. He used all the torture tools of the Ministry of Punishment, but he refused to admit even if he was beaten to death. As soon as the emperor returned, he went to interrogate him personally.

Through the methods used by the assassins to kill themselves when they were captured last night, Caiwei can basically determine that they must be trained by someone to die. They have been brainwashed or trained. These assassins are not afraid of death at all and are unbearable. They are not afraid of any punishment. It seems impossible to use torture to get them to open their mouths.

It seems that Old Turtle's medicine is needed again to control other people's will!

However, what surprised Caiwei was that when she returned to the hunting ground, Nangong Yi actually interrogated the assassin. She was surprised by the person behind the scenes.

----It turned out to be He Lanqing, the crown prince of Xianbei Kingdom, and Princess Tuotuo of Miao Jiang. The two of them teamed up to kill her!

Caiwei thought that she had never offended Prince He Lanqing. Even when Princess Tuotuo's wrist was almost cut off by Nangong Yi, she was kind enough to help her connect it. How could they think of killing her?

It was not difficult to confirm this answer. Caiwei took out the old turtle's medicinal powder and sprinkled it on the bruised assassin's head. After waiting for a while, the effect of the medicine seemed to have taken effect. Caiwei solemnly asked the assassin: "Say, yes Who asked you to kill me?"

The assassin opened his unfocused eyes and said mechanically: "Kill Queen Mu, avenge Princess Helanna, avenge Princess Tuotuo..."

Nangong Yi sneered: "It's not certain who will kill whom. Xianbei and Miao Jiang dare to attack our queen of Jin Dynasty. I think they have had enough!"

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