Caiwei said: "Yi, don't be impatient. Think about it. When I returned to my parents' home last night, very few people knew about it. How come the assassin knew about it? I think there must be something fishy in this!"'

After saying that, he asked the stupid assassin: "Who told you that I returned to my parents' home last night and who is your secret agent in Dajin?"

The assassin said dullly: "Listen to the boss and obey the boss's command in everything..."

The boss he mentioned was killed by a white-haired tiger last night. He was the only assassin alive now. It seemed that the clue had been interrupted. However, Cuiwei was not discouraged. She released the parrot and let it go to snoop for information and find out Da Jin's spies. Although she had no intention of harming anyone, she would never tolerate anyone who wanted to kill or harm her. of!

Nangong Yi gritted his teeth and said: "When I return to the palace, I will immediately mobilize troops and horses, trample those damn Xianbei and Miao Jiang to the ground, capture that villain He Lanqing and that bitch Tuo Tuo, and cut them to pieces with a thousand swords!"

Caiwei held his hand and said softly: "Yi, just for me, countless people in the world fell into the flames of war, their wives and children were separated, and their families were destroyed. Are you doing this as a wise king?"

Nangong Yi said irritably: "I don't care about the so-called faint king and wise king. My queen was almost killed by others. If I endure it, am I still considered the king of a country and a man?"

This was the first time that he got angry in front of her. Although Caiwei felt uncomfortable, the reason was after all for her. She comforted him and said, "Don't worry. When the parrots come back and find out everything, even if you want to forgive them, I won't agree. However, one person should take responsibility for the work, since it was the two of them who did it." , let them pay for it with their lives. If they don't commit the crime of mobilizing troops to provoke a war between countries and make the people homeless, don't worry, I will still have a way to kill them without even using a single soldier!"

After hearing this, Nangong Yi looked at her for a long time and sighed: "Weier, you are my wife. When you are wronged, I should be the one to take the lead! But..."

"No buts!" Caiwei interrupted him: "We husband and wife are one, there is no distinction between you and me."

After saying that, she hugged his neck, raised her pink and white face, smiled and teased: "Besides, you have always been the one holding my thigh between us. I do more than you." It’s also reasonable!”

Nangong Yi was depressed at first, but when she said this, he immediately smiled. He pinched her nose and said distressedly: "You have been wronged, but I can't avenge you personally. My heart... Comfortable!"

Caiwei buried her head in his chest and said dullly: "This is not a grievance. I can definitely settle them all by myself. To say the least, even if we can't settle it, I don't want you to start a war over it." Yes, for my own sake, the people of the world will suffer from the war. How many people will die because of this war, and how many families will be separated and destroyed. The national treasury will be empty because of this, and the productivity will be reduced. Because of this, I will decline or regress. If one day, I will really become the demon queen who brings disaster to the country, and you will become an unscrupulous king. If that happens, I would rather be killed by them than you. revenge!"

Nangong Yi hugged her and said in a deep voice: "I know, but, those damn He Lanqing and Tuo Tuo, never let them go!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't let them go without you telling me!"

While the two were talking, the chief steward Chen Shangxi who was next to the Queen Mother came over.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, all those wealthy ladies came yesterday. Your Majesty asked the Miscellaneous Family to come over and ask if Your Majesty and Your Majesty would you like to come over and have a look and help with the selection?"

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