Hearing this, Nangong Yi's face changed color in vain, and said: "I thought that after the last poisoning and hunger strike incident, she should calm down, but unexpectedly, she became even more comatose than before. Even what happened in my bed I have to take care of everything!"

Caiwei smiled and joked: "Don't just complain, go and have a look, maybe you can actually choose the beauty you like!"

Nangong Yi's face darkened and he said, "I don't have time to look at those pretentious women. Chen Shangxi, you just need to convey my will to those women. They all say they are good wives and beautiful concubines. My queen can be regarded as one." Good wives, if they think they are more beautiful than the queen, let them stay, otherwise they will get out of their own accord."

Chen Shangxi froze, what did the emperor mean? Isn't this embarrassing? Not to mention these official ladies, even if we find all the girls in the Jin Dynasty, we may not be able to find one who is more beautiful than the queen. Although those ladies are all beautiful, but who can be compared with their scores? Comparing beauty with the queen, the phoenix suddenly turns into a pheasant. There is no comparison at all!

After Nangong Yi finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and went out. Caiwei covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled a few times before saying to Chen Shangxi: "Eunuch Chen, go and convey the emperor's decree first. I'll change my clothes." past. "

Chen Shangxi left helplessly, Huanqiu said with a low smile: "The Emperor's move was really cruel. Not only did he hit those shameless women in the face, but he also hit the Queen Mother in the face. Look at her going Don’t you dare to meddle in other people’s business in the end!”

Caiwei sneered and said, "If you leave the good Queen Mother alone and insist on being an unpleasable evil person outside here, I finally understand why she has never been as favored as Concubine Jin. With her temperament, even if she looks like No matter how beautiful you are, no man will like you!"

In the palace of Empress Dowager Mo

After listening to the emperor's oral instructions delivered by Chen Shangxi, many of the ladies who came to participate in the selection were blue in the face. Although they were very confident in their appearance, they were immediately discouraged when they heard that they were to be compared with Queen Mu. .

They are not stupid, and they all have some self-awareness. Queen Mu's beauty is unparalleled, and they cannot compare with it at all. Let alone them, there is no one in the world who can compare with her.

When the emperor said this, he clearly had no intention of accepting the concubines and wanted them to retreat before the difficulties. Suddenly, several ambitious young ladies wilted like eggplants beaten by frost, and they all stood up and asked to withdraw from the competition.

Of course, there are some individuals who resist to the end, namely Miss Ning Huai Xiuning, the daughter of the current Prime Minister.

Miss Ning is already eighteen years old this year. She has both talent and appearance, good looks and intelligence. However, eighteen is already past the best age for a woman to get married. The reason why Miss Ning has delayed so far is said to be because she has admired the emperor for many years and has become obsessed with it. She became a demon and had secretly vowed not to marry anyone other than Nangong Yi in this life. Therefore, when everyone retreated in the face of difficulties, she was the only one who still held on to her faith.

She also knew that her appearance was far inferior to that of Queen Mu, but she also knew that if she lost this opportunity, she might never have the chance to marry him in the future. Therefore, even though she knew that she was inferior in appearance, she still endured it. Everyone looked at her with disdain and ridicule, but she stood up strong and prepared to accept the test of the Queen Mother, the Dowager Princess and the ladies.

However, there is only one person left, and she is the prime minister's daughter, so naturally no one will embarrass her.

Queen Mother Mo even wanted to directly allow her to pass the test, directly give her a position and let her enter the palace.

However, before she could speak, Mrs. Li Guogong said earnestly: "Miss Ning, I think you are also a knowledgeable and sensible person, but I don't know why you have to marry the emperor? There are many good men in the world, so marry a man who loves you." , isn’t it bad to take yourself seriously? Why do you have to hang yourself from a tree? Although marrying the emperor is noble and decent, it also depends on whether the emperor has you in his heart. You have also seen it, our emperor’s heart There is only the queen. They are a couple who are very loving and affectionate. No one else can get in. Why do you have to squeeze in and be this person who is not embarrassed? Not only is it annoying, but also No one will laugh at me!"

Miss Ning's face turned red. She was a pampered lady, and she lived a life full of stars. Her parents never even scolded her. Now the old lady said this in public. The sharp words made her feel so ashamed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

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