Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1385 The Queen of Qingluo Kingdom arrives (2)

Live, live hard, and wait until one day in the future to see their son again!

It is precisely because of this thought that the couple survived in that hellish and cruel environment. The other princes and princesses died and went crazy because they could not bear the torture. Only she and her husband wanted to see each other again one day. As for my son, even though he was tortured and disabled, he still managed to survive.

During his exile, the husband was injured by those tigers and wolves, and had lost the ability to have children. Their son was destined to be their only child.

And she, in order not to be insulted by the soldiers, deliberately fell into the fire and burned her body.

Many years later, after all the hardships of the couple, the husband successfully ascended the throne with the support of the courtiers. After he ascended the throne, the first decree he issued was to find their lost son.

However, in the vast sea of ​​people, it is so difficult to find a child who is not still alive. Even if the husband is the king of a country, even if they try their best, after many years, they still find nothing.

Every time, when they sent out people with great hope and heard the word "not found" in the report, the couple would cry in disappointment. Over the years, the tears they shed could be counted in vats.

They were all in poor health. When they were exiled and tortured to death in the early years, in order to one day see their sons again, they all endured tenaciously and passed death again and again. But in the past two years, the root of the disease left by that painful time has been found. Especially after experiencing the shock of not finding the child again and again, they are even more heartbroken. The husband has cried more than once and said: "If I hadn't waited, I would have gone a long time ago to see my son..."

In fact, why isn't she?

Back then, after she was burned, she had no chance to recuperate, so she was forced to go out to work and became ill. It is a miracle that she is alive today!

They depend on each other for survival and survive. Every day, they pray to God devoutly, praying that their children are still alive, and praying that their family can be reunited...

Maybe God saw that they were suffering too much, so just when they were about to despair, God brought them the news that their son was still alive.

I remember that when the envoy from the Jin Dynasty delivered this message, she was so excited that she fainted. When she woke up, she found that her husband had prepared more than a dozen carts of valuable gifts and was rushing to Dajin to greet her son that day.

He is the king of a country, and Qingluo Country needs him to take charge, so how can he be allowed to go?

Besides, she has missed her child for twenty years and her eyes are filled with tears thinking about him. Why should she be allowed to go?

This couple in trouble has been supporting each other for twenty years and has never been red-faced. In the end, they had a red-faced quarrel over who would pick up their son. She had always been gentle, considerate and considerate, but in this matter, She refused to give in and was determined to take her son home in person.

Finally, under the persuasion of the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, the husband finally gave in unwillingly and allowed her to pick up her son, but she had to come back as soon as possible. He couldn't wait to see their son.

She was so elated that she set off that day, regardless of her weak body, and rushed to Dajin day and night.

Along the way, she kept urging. Except for a short time to sleep, she spent the rest of her time on the road. She just cut the trip time in half, and arrived in Dajin in just over a month. The capital city.

She could see her son today. She was so excited that she couldn't speak coherently. She ordered the palace maid to help her with her makeup. It has been twenty years and she didn't know if her son still remembered her. She was old and ugly. She didn't know if he would like her son. Own……

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