Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1386 The Queen of Qingluo Kingdom arrives (3)

The chariot entered the imperial palace of the Jin Dynasty.

Caiwei had already sent someone to take Situ Changge into the palace and told him about his life experience.

When he learned that he was actually the crown prince of Qingluo Kingdom, Situ Changge was not too surprised. He just lowered his eyes and calmly accepted the news.

It turns out that the scenes that always appeared in his dreams since childhood were not dreams, but childhood memories that remained in his mind...

The handsome father stood upright next to the swing in the garden, pushing them back and forth. The gentle and beautiful mother hugged the little girl, sitting on the swing and giggling. It was so warm...

In the blink of an eye, the style of the painting changed. They were driven out of the gorgeous mansion. His father and mother took turns holding him, and they were staggeringly driven to a desolate and remote place. Then, there was blood and violence everywhere, and many people were injured. , beaten, maimed, and brutally killed. He himself also suffered inhuman abuse. He was tied to a tree and shot through the shoulder with an arrow...

Later, when he grew up, his father told him that the injury on his shoulder was caused by his naughty fall when he was a child and fell on his parents' four-toothed farm tool. However, his father The explanation did not save him from that terrible nightmare, nor did the dream fade or disappear due to the passage of time. It always appeared in his memory like a shadow.

Now, he finally understood what was going on. The knot that had troubled him all these years was opened, and he finally knew who he was...

Queen Namuhan's car stopped, and the palace maid held her hand and helped her out of the car.

At the entrance of Shuntian Palace, the young emperor and queen of the Jin Dynasty stood side by side, personally welcoming this distinguished guest from afar to show that the Jin Dynasty valued Qingluo Kingdom.

The emperor and empress of the Jin Dynasty had extremely outstanding looks, like gods and humans, which eclipsed everything else. No matter who saw them, they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

However, Queen Namuhan was an exception. As soon as she got out of the car, her eyes were attracted by the young man behind the emperor who was very similar to her husband.

Yes, it's him, it's him. Although he is no longer the white, tender, fragrant and soft milk buns, and his eyebrows are also very different from before, but look at his thick eyebrows, high bridge of nose, and that His smooth and fair face looked exactly like his father's when he was young, and even his standing posture was exactly the same.


He was the son she had lost and missed for twenty years!

Queen Namuhan called, pushed the maid's hand away, and stumbled towards Situ Changge.

At this moment, even if she died, she had no regrets, because she finally found her child, finally saw him again, and could hug him and have him again...

Situ Changge's expression was in a trance. Looking at the excited and old woman, a picture emerged in his mind involuntarily.

In the flower-filled garden, the young woman turned her arms and called to him gently: "Chen'er, come to my concubine quickly..."

So, as a toddler, he staggered and ran towards her.

"Be careful!" His mother quickly stepped forward to support him and held him in her arms. The deep care in her beautiful eyes was beyond words.

"Be careful!" He couldn't help but say it, and just like her back then, he rushed forward quickly.

"Chen'er, Chen'er..."

Queen Namuhan could no longer suppress her excitement. She cried and wanted to hold him in her arms like he did when he was a child, but she found that he had grown into a tall and mighty man, and she couldn't help it. I hugged him like before, but he held me in his arms.

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