Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1393 Want to marry Xiangyun (3)

However, these ladies who came to buy ginseng were not happy. They lingered in the ginseng shop for a long time. Some even went to buy it once in the morning and again in the afternoon, but they did not meet Prince Wanyan until the shop closed in the evening. At that time, the prince did not show up. The ladies were disappointed, but had no choice but to go home angrily with the ginseng they bought.

It was getting dark, and the shops on both sides of the street had hung up red lanterns. Because of the cold, there were not many people on the street. An ordinary carriage came slowly from the east. Behind the carriage were six or seven men on horseback, guarding the people in the carriage.


The coachman reined in his horse and stopped at the entrance of Mu Jishen. Someone immediately came forward and placed a low stool under the curtain of the carriage.

Wanyan Jingchen stepped out of the car, turned around and stretched out his hand to her mother who was leaning out: "Come on, concubine, be careful!"

In fact, he should call her mother queen now, but she likes to hear him call her mother concubine, just like when he was lying in her arms and acting like a baby when he was a child. Wanyan Jingchen also likes to call her mother concubine. This title seems so real to him He had been calling her in imaginary dreams for twenty years, and now he could finally call her for real. He couldn't bear to change it!

Queen Namuhan was supported by her son, and she couldn't close her mouth with joy.

She held her son's hand tightly and got out of the car, looked at Shen Xing in front of her, and said, "Chen'er, is this where you worked before?"

"That's right, let's go, my son will take you inside to have a look!" Wanyan Jingchen supported her and walked inside the walking hall.

The trustworthy shopkeeper of Shenxing had received the news in advance and knew that he would come tonight, so he deliberately left the door open. When he saw them coming, he hurriedly invited them in, while he hid aside knowingly and did not dare to come forward to disturb him. .

"There are a lot of ginsengs, all of good quality, Chen'er, do you recognize all these ginsengs?" Queen Namuhan glanced at the shelves, and her eyes were glued to her precious son again.

Wanyan Jingchen laughed at his mother's childish question. He said, "My son is the big shopkeeper here, so of course he knows what kind of ginseng he is. He knows the ginseng of many years."

Queen Namuhan's eyes immediately showed praise: "Chen'er, you are really amazing!"

The new shopkeeper hiding in the corner twitched his lips. When he was ten years old, he started working as a clerk again. When he was fifteen years old, he could recognize all kinds of ginseng, but he never thought that this was anything special!

Wanyan Jingchen smiled warmly at her mother's doting love, and then her eyes moved around the walk, showing a bit of reluctance.

Queen Namuhan saw this and said hurriedly: "If you like to open a ginseng shop, it's not worth it. We have a lot of ginseng in the palace. Go back tomorrow. My mother-in-law will open a bigger and more grand shop for you than this one." of!"

Wanyan Jingchen smiled, knowing that he had been misunderstood by his mother and concubine. He said: "Mother and concubine misunderstood his son. The reason why his son is nostalgic for this business is not because he loves doing this business, but because the girl he likes lives here. We met in Jian Shen Xing!"

As is the nature of mother and son, he did not hide his thoughts from his mother. When he had lunch with his mother in the palace today, he told his mother about his thoughts about Xiangyun. What made him feel lucky was that his mother did not dislike Xiangyun. Yun Heli's identity only said solemnly: "Although my concubine has never seen the girl you mentioned, my concubine can trust your vision. The girl you like must be a very good girl. She is the Duke of Li Guo." The young master of the mansion is not lucky enough to tolerate her, she is taking advantage of us!"

Wanyan Jingchen was very moved by his mother's profound righteousness. He thought that his mother would object, but he didn't expect that instead of objecting, she would support him without hesitation, which made him see the light.

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