Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1394 Want to marry Xiangyun (4)

"So, you and that Miss Wu met here?"



Queen Namuhan laughed: "Unexpectedly, my Chen'er is still very passionate. Now, the mother-in-law is really eager to come to tomorrow so she can see for herself what kind of girl my son is who has fascinated me!"

Wanyan Jingchen smiled leisurely, looked at the night scene outside the window, and said warmly: "In my son's eyes, she is the best, and my mother-in-law will definitely like her!"

Because of Aiwujiwu, Queen Namuhan had already begun to like Xiangyun before they met. She even prepared a generous meeting gift and was waiting to help her son decide on her tomorrow!

It is the middle of winter, and the flowers and plants in the imperial garden have withered. Only the hundreds of plum blossoms in the plum forest in the garden are blooming in the cold wind. The white plum blossoms, red plum blossoms, and large red and white plum blossoms complement each other. The bleak winter is particularly eye-catching.

The plum grove is planted next to the lake, far opposite Linshui Pavilion. Although today's plum appreciation banquet is to select a concubine for the crown prince of Qingluo Kingdom, it cannot be directly explained because so many princesses, princesses, and noble ladies of the court have gathered here. It would be dishonorable to spread the word if anyone chooses one place.

Therefore, the concubine selection this time was in the name of appreciating plum blossoms. In addition to inviting the noble ladies of the court and above, many noble princes were also invited.

Because of the differences between men and women, even if it was to choose a concubine, Wanyan Jingchen could not appear clearly among all the rich ladies, otherwise he would be alone, so Caiwei specially asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to select a few young men from everyone to accompany them. he.

The young masters and the ladies were divided into two gardens. The gentlemen sat in the pavilion facing the water, while the ladies gathered in the plum grove opposite. There were winding corridors, Chinese carpets and golden rugs in the plum grove, several carved and painted cases, and red clay small tables beside them. There is a stove, warm tea and fragrant tea. The ladies are all covered with pearls and emeralds, with fragrant powder and orioles and beautiful brocades.

Queen Namuhan arrived very early, but she didn't expect that the daughters of each government had arrived earlier. At this moment, three or five people were gathering in one place, admiring the plum blossoms outside, or playing chess in the corridor, which was more elegant. The ladies took advantage of the beautiful scenery to write poems and do extremely elegant things.

After Queen Namuhan arrived, all the ladies stood up and bowed down to Queen Namuhan with great manners to say hello.

Queen Namuhan said with a smile: "It is said that the Jin Dynasty is a country of etiquette. All the ladies look so good when they salute. Come on, please don't do it!"

As he spoke, a pair of eyes began to move on the bodies of the ladies. At this moment, there have been forty or fifty rich ladies gathered in the plum forest. They are all fat and thin, all beautiful and outstanding, but which one is my son's favorite?

Namuhan walked around the ladies and said with a gentle smile: "I have just come to Dajin, and I don't recognize you ladies yet. Why don't you all introduce yourselves to me so that I can I know everyone."

Queen Namuhan wanted to meet everyone, which was a good sign. At that moment, someone immediately volunteered: "Jing Xiaowei, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Fuguo, pays homage to the Queen of Qingluo. The Queen is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old - --"

"Okay, okay, Miss Jing, come back!" Queen Namuhan nodded politely, with a decent smile on her face.

With Jing Xiaowei as the starting point, other noble ladies also rushed to come from Baojia's family.

"My maid, Nangong Yan, Princess of Prince Jing'an's Mansion..."

"My maid..."


After a lengthy chatter, dozens of ladies present introduced themselves, but none of them was named Wu Xiangyun.

Queen Namuhan quietly called the female officer sent by Queen Dajin to serve her, and asked: "Are all the ladies who posted the next post arrived?"

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