Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1395 Want to Marry Xiangyun (5)

Bai Zhi said: "Except for the young lady from Jian'an Hou Mansion, everyone else is here!"

"Miss Wu didn't come..."

Queen Namuhan became uneasy. If Miss Nawu wanted to participate in the concubine selection, she should have arrived long ago. She hasn't arrived yet, which proves that she doesn't want to come. Why doesn't she come? Could it be? She doesn't like her Chen'er and doesn't want to marry him?

Thinking of her son's gentle eyes and warm smile when he mentioned her, she panicked for no reason. Chen'er liked her so much. If she didn't want to marry Chen'er, how sad would her Chen'er be!

No, she had to find a way, she had to marry Chen'er!

She couldn't sit still anymore, said hello to everyone, walked out, and walked towards Linshui Pavilion where her son was.

The weather was fine today, the winter sun was warm, and the wind was gentle and snow-free. Queen Namuhan wanted to discuss countermeasures with her son, but she unknowingly entered the depths of the plum forest.

The snow is heavy on the plum blossom branches, but it can't suppress the beauty and cold fragrance of the branches. Dots of pink stand out in the melting snow, which is fresh and lovely.

Queen Namuhan had something on her mind and had no time to enjoy the scenery. When she reached the depths of the plum forest, she saw the shore of the lake. The lake was frozen and covered with white snow. An arch bridge was erected on the lake, like a white rainbow flying across it, attracting people to the fairyland. She looked at the high point of the arch bridge, thinking that there would be a vast view of the lake and forest there, so she couldn't help but avoid the branches and walk up the bridge.

After just a few steps, I saw Empress Mu wearing a golden peacock fur and carrying a Guanyin bag, walking down the bridge gracefully. She did not have the support of the empress, and only had a palace maid with her.

Seeing Queen Namuhan, Caiwei laughed from a distance and said, "Queen Namuhan, I'm so sorry. When I was about to come out, something happened and I was delayed. I kept you waiting for a long time." Got it!"

Queen Namuhan said hurriedly: "No, I just came here. After saying hello to those rich ladies, I was about to go out for some fresh air."

Hearing this, Caiwei's eyes lit up and she said as she walked: "Have you seen those rich people? Do you like any of them?"

Queen Namuhan hesitated and said, "If Queen Mu doesn't mind, let's talk while walking."

"That's fine."

Caiwei stopped and waited for Queen Namunhan to catch up with her, and then they went to the bridge together.

"I would like to ask Queen Mu, I heard that you have a good relationship with the daughter of the Jian'an Marquis Mansion. Can I ask how the daughter is like?" Queen Namuhan said.

When she asked this, it was equivalent to making her son's thoughts public. Anyway, Queen Mu would know about this matter sooner or later. She didn't mind telling it now. Xiangyun's mind was undecided, so she could ask Queen Mu for help!

Caiwei was startled and said, "What do you mean by asking? Could it be that Prince Wanyan..."

Queen Namuhan stopped, smiled meaningfully, nodded solemnly, and said: "Yes!"


Caiwei was stunned. She patted her forehead and murmured to herself: "When did this happen? I didn't notice it. Hey, I'm so slow!"

"I don't know when it happened. Jingchen refuses to tell me, so I can't ask further. But Queen Mu, what do you think of Miss Wu? Is she a good match for Jingchen?"

In Caiwei's eyes, as long as they are in love, they are a perfect match. When Wanyan Jingchen loves Xiangyun, the two of them are a perfect match. However, the concepts of the ancients are different from hers. In the consciousness of the ancients, a woman who has married someone has lost her virginity, and a woman who has married and divorced someone has lost her virginity and lost her morality. Such a woman is Ordinary people are not willing to marry, so how can they marry into the royal family and become a princess?

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