Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1396 Want to marry Xiangyun (6)

After hesitating for a moment, she said: "Do you know the past experience of this Miss Wu? Are you sure you want to help Prince Wanyan propose to marry her?"

"Chen'er has already told me about her experience. She is a divorced woman and an unfortunate girl. It is his loss if the man fails to cherish her. We will not mind. As long as she is willing to marry, I I'm sure I will help my son ask to marry her.  "

Caiwei said: "Xiangyun is a simple and kind-hearted woman, innocent and straightforward, without any scheming. Although she is a good person, I don't think her character is suitable for marrying into the royal family. She would not be able to marry into a mere Duke Liguo's mansion. I've been plotted by others, and if I get to the palace, I'm afraid it won't take long before I'm so harmed that not even my bones will be left!"

"Empress Mu is serious. Not all palaces are for intrigues. Our palace in Qingluo Kingdom is the same as your palace in Jin Kingdom. I am the only queen and there are no other concubines. Moreover, my son will not be born in the future." A concubine!"

The two of them talked as they walked, and by the time they finished talking, they had reached the top of the arch bridge. The sky, lake, and snow are all white, and there are no sounds of people or birds. Only the plum trees on both sides of the bank are broken into thousands of red dots, and they are magnificent.

When the wind blows, the snow on the lake rolls like waves, and there are waves in Caiwei's eyes. She is astonished as if she saw a ghost. Queen Namunhan's thoughts are rare among the ancient emperors' families!

As an emperor, he didn't want to have many concubines and many children. Even Nangong Yi insisted on marrying her as a concubine. How did they have such advanced ideas?

As if she had a glimpse of her thoughts, Queen Namuhan said softly: "Queen Mu must have heard about the turmoil in our Qingluo Kingdom twenty years ago. At that time, Jingchen's grandfather was killed by his fourth son Wanyan Liehong. In order to compete for the throne, Jiu killed the late emperor. After he ascended the throne, in order to eliminate dissidents, he massacred the heirs left by the late emperor on a large scale. When he was overthrown sixteen years later, among the thousands of heirs left by the late emperor and the supreme emperor, There are less than twenty people left, and they are all the children of his younger brother. Our husband and wife are the only members of the royal family who managed to survive this tragic massacre."

"The hardships we have endured in these years are beyond anyone's imagination. Therefore, Jingchen's father said that in order to prevent the princes from fighting each other for the throne, the emperor of Qingluo Kingdom can only marry one wife in his lifetime. , the emperor's heir and mother..."

The emperor's heirs share the same mother!

After listening to Queen Namuhan's words, Caiwei's heart moved. Looking at it now, Xiangyun marrying Wanyan Jingchen is a good choice, but I don't know if the emperor and ministers of Qingluo Kingdom will be like Namuhan. The queen doesn't care about Xiangyun and Li's status. If they don't care about it, Xiangyun will really make a profit!

The two walked off the bridge while talking, and saw a warm pavilion in front of them. Caiwei said: "It's cold, why don't we go to the warm pavilion to warm up by the fire and talk!"

Queen Namuhan readily agreed: "Okay, I just happen to feel a little cold!"

The two of them walked side by side and slowly approached Nuange. Huanqiu was about to push the door open when he suddenly heard voices coming from inside.

"Hey, have you heard? I heard that Wu Xiangyun also received an invitation this time, but didn't come. I heard he was sick..."

"Huh, what's wrong with you? It's just that you feel guilty and don't dare to come. Even if she comes, as a peaceful woman, Prince Wanyan will definitely not choose her."

"But, I heard that the two of them originally..."

"Then it was then, and this is now. Back then, Her Highness was just a shopkeeper, and now she is the only prince of Qingluo Kingdom, the confirmed future emperor. How could she have anything to do with someone like her again!"

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