Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1398 Plum Appreciation Banquet (1)

Inside the grand residence of Duke Li Guo of Qi Jin

Mo Qingshan and Mr. Bai sat in Qiu Shuangzhai with sullen expressions, looking at their son sleeping on the couch and sighing.

"What an injustice! It's such an injustice!" Mo Qingshan repeated the words he had muttered countless times and let out a long sigh.

Mrs. Bai sat in front of Mo Zili's couch, gently wiping her son's face with a handkerchief, and said with tears, "Master, please stop complaining. The best thing to do now is to find a way to solve this problem." It's fair to say, Li'er is our only child after all, if he really has some shortcomings, how will we live the rest of our lives?"

Mo Qingshan said "Hi" and sighed: "What evil have I done? How could I give birth to such an unsatisfactory beast? I wanted to help him start a family and start a career, so that I wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. How could I have imagined that?" This beast and Li have never stopped since they got married. Today they are living outside their home, tomorrow they are quarreling with their daughter-in-law, their beautiful family is broken up, and now they are looking for life and death again. What do you think the emperor's decree is? Just please, and you can accept it if you want?"

Bai Shi cried and said: "No matter what, you should beg the old man to let him go and talk to the emperor. The emperor will definitely give the old man face. Otherwise, if this continues, this child's life will be lost." …"

When she thought of her son kneeling in Enxi Hall for a whole day and night, and finally passed out from kneeling, Mrs. Bai felt so distressed that her heart clenched. Li'er's injury is just fine, but he can't withstand such a torment. The imperial doctor said that he is anxious and has not had a good meal or sleep for several months. If he continues to suffer like this, his body will collapse!

She was nearly forty years old, and she only had one child in total. Her eyes seemed to have grown so big. If there was really something wrong with her, she wouldn't want to live anymore!

Forget it, doesn't he just want to get back together with Wu Xiangyun? Then let him get back together. As long as he likes it, as long as he can live happily in the future, Wu's reputation has suffered a little loss, and she admits it. Let her son identify her?

"A rebellious son is unfilial and uses his own body to force his elders because of a woman. Why should he care about him? If he wants to kneel, let him kneel. If he wants to die, let him die. I won't care about him!"

Mo Qingshan cursed fiercely and looked at the bed, but his eyes showed infinite love.

What kind of parents don't love their children, especially since he is in poor health and finally got such a son in his forties. In his heart, he loves his son no less than his wife does. Although he I often scold him, isn't that just in line with the saying, "deep love leads to deep rebuke"?

"Master, you can't ignore it. If Li'er really has a problem with him, I won't be able to live anymore..." When Bai heard her husband's anger, she covered her face with a handkerchief and started crying.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry. This scoundrel is so incompetent, and you're not used to it!" Mo Qingshan slapped the table, filled with resentment.

Mrs. Bai was extremely wronged. When it came to spoiling children, he was no less spoiled than herself. Why did he blame her whenever something happened?

"The old lady is here----"

Outside the door, a woman on duty called out, and Mo Qingshan and Bai hurriedly stood up to greet her. As soon as they went out, they saw the old lady getting off a soft sedan carried by four women, with an anxious look on her face.

"Mother, why are you here?"

Mo Qingshan was anxious and in pain, so he hurriedly came forward to help the old lady. The old lady said, "I'm here to take a look at the boy. It's been so long, why haven't you woken up yet?"

With that said, he got off the sedan and walked to the door holding his son's hand. The woman on duty at the door hurriedly opened the curtain and asked the old lady to come in.

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