Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1399 Plum Appreciation Banquet (2)

It was the middle of winter, and the room in Qiu Shuangzhai was warm and warm with silver frost charcoal burning. The old lady entered the room, and the maid Mingzhu who was serving her helped her take off the big cloak she was wearing, and took off her clothes. He took Guanyin's hat off and helped her into Mo Zili's house.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw Mo Zili lying on the couch as white as paper. The old lady couldn't help but feel a sore nose. She walked over tremblingly, sat beside Mo Zili's couch, and reached out to touch Mo Sun's thin body. Pale cheeks.

"Boy Li, grandma is here to tell you good news. Your grandfather has agreed to go to the palace to see the emperor. I think the emperor will be able to take back your agreement with Li soon. Get better soon. If anything happens to you, Yes, even if we get Girl Yun back, what's the use?"

Mo Zili, who was on the hospital bed, had not slept well. He was suffering from a high fever and had been in a daze. He heard his father's sighs and mother's cries intermittently...

He felt very guilty and wanted to open his eyes to comfort his parents, but his eyelids seemed to be filled with lead and he could not open them no matter what.

Yesterday, in order to beg his grandfather to take him into the palace and the emperor to take back the imperial edict, he knelt in Enxi Hall for a whole day and night, but he passed out from exhaustion. In the past, he could have knelt down all day and all night. However, since Daxiangyun left, he had never had a good meal, let alone a good sleep. In addition, he had just recovered from a serious illness. , and the anxiety and anxiety all day long, mixed with all kinds of things, made him collapse all of a sudden, and he couldn't even open his eyes to comfort his parents.

But when he heard his grandmother's words, his eyes slowly opened, and his pale face showed a bit of surprise. He looked at the old lady, with a burst of gratitude in his eyes.

The old lady was very happy to see that her grandson was awake. She patted the back of his hand and said lovingly: "Don't worry, your grandfather will go to the palace to see the emperor in the afternoon. However, he has brought Yun Yatou back this time. Please don't make any more noise." , live a peaceful and down-to-earth life from now on!"

Mo Zili nodded gently, pulled his chapped lips and showed a happy smile, saying that he would...

As long as she comes back, he will definitely live a good life with her, hold her in his hands, love her well, never make her angry again, and he will slowly make up for what he owes her, as long as he can be with her To be together, he would not hesitate to pay any price!

After Mo Zili woke up, Mrs. Bai hurriedly called the imperial doctor to take a look at him. After making sure that he was fine, he let the imperial doctor go. The old lady sat for a while and saw that he was fine before leaving with peace of mind.

Bai and Mo Qingshan sent them out. When they got outside, Mo Qingshan said to the old lady in shame: "My son is unfilial and gave birth to such an inconvenient and rebellious son. It cost my father and mother too much trouble. When he gets better, My son will definitely take him to kowtow to his second elder!"

The old lady sighed: "It's enough to kowtow. You should think about how to tell Marquis Jian'an. What Mr. Li did this time really annoyed Marquis Jian'an and his wife. Although we can persuade the emperor to withdraw, Imperial edict, but if Marquis Jian'an doesn't let go, or if Girl Yun has a grudge and doesn't want to get back together, even if we forcefully get her back, we'll just turn away the stick, and we won't be able to live happily ever after!"

Mo Qingshan said helplessly: "Hey, what else can I do? My son must shamelessly go to the Jian'an Marquis Mansion and try to get rid of this old boy with a few words to make him vent his bad breath!"

In fact, at the beginning, Mo Qingshan did not agree with Mo Zili and Xiangyun getting back together. Both of them were already at that point, and it was the emperor's final decision to reconcile, so how could there be any reason to get back together?

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