Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1404 Plum Appreciation Banquet (7)

Caiwei and Queen Namuhan had been staying in the Nuan Pavilion. Queen Namuhan was not in good health and could not stay outside for a long time, so she and Caiwei hid in the Nuan Pavilion and chatted while eating.

"Unexpectedly, Prince Wanyan actually went to the Jian'an Marquis Mansion in person to find his sweetheart. I have known him for so long, but I really didn't realize that he is such a bold person!"

Queen Namuhan said proudly: "Of course, my son will never be a coward!"


Caiwei laughed and said jokingly: "Judging from his current performance, he is indeed brave enough. It's just that today he went to Jian'an Marquis Mansion in this capacity. Tomorrow he doesn't know how to face his father-in-law and mother-in-law." ?"

Hearing this, Queen Namuhan said sincerely: "If he encounters any obstacles on the road to pursuing happiness, I hope you can lend a helping hand to help him, because Chen'er really likes Miss Xiangyun. I I hope Chen'er can get her smoothly!"

Caiwei said: "Xiangyun is also my friend. She is a good girl and deserves happiness. If you can promise me in the name of the Queen of Qingluo Kingdom that Xiangyun will not be wronged when she marries Qingluo Kingdom, and you will always I love her like my own daughter, and I think I will help you fulfill your wish!

Queen Namuhan said seriously: "Okay, I promise!"

At this time, Huan Qiu came in and said, "My dear, Prince Wanyan is back, and Miss Xiangyun is here too!"

"Oh? Miss Xiangyun is here, where is she?" Queen Namuhan stood up, stretched her neck and looked out.

Huan Qiu said with a smile: "I'm waiting outside to be summoned by the two empresses!"

"Quickly, let her come in and let me take a good look!" Queen Namuhan stepped over Caiwei and ordered Huanqiu.


Huanqiu didn't take things seriously and went out in a sensible manner.

A moment later, Wanyan Jingchen, wearing a gray wolf-hair cloak, walked in, followed by a guilty Xiangyun!

Seeing Caiwei, Xiangyun swallowed. Just when he was about to explain the reason for her not coming, his hand was suddenly held by someone.

"My child, are you Miss Xiangyun?"

Queen Namuhan looked at her lovingly, her tone was extremely loving and gentle.

Xiangyun was startled by the lady's sudden affectionate behavior. She didn't know who the lady who suddenly appeared in front of her was? Why is she so passionate about herself? It’s so passionate that she can’t stand it!


Because I don't know who she is? How should she call her? Xiangyun cast a look at Caiwei for help.

Caiwei smiled and said, "This is Queen Namuhan of the Qingluo Kingdom and Situ Changge's biological mother!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

Xiangyun was shocked by the sudden news. He opened his bright red mouth and didn't react for a long time.

"I mean, the former Situ Changge was the only prince of Qingluo Kingdom, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Wanyan Jingchen!"

Caiwei introduced Xiangyun while observing Xiangyun's expression, trying to find any clues of admiration on her face.

However, what she saw was that after the girl came to her senses, she said seriously to Queen Namuhan who was holding her hand: "Queen Namuhan, are you looking for the wrong person? How could he be Qingluo?" Where are the Chinese?"

Faced with her doubts, Queen Namuhan said with certainty: "No mother in this world will admit that her child is wrong. Even if they are separated by a lifetime, even if they are already octogenarians when they meet, the mother will never admit that she is wrong." his!"

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