Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1405 Chao Gei’s Thoughts (1)

Xiangyun was invited by Caiwei to sit down and eat with them.

Because she had been living in seclusion at home, she didn't know what was going on outside. All she knew about the Queen's Plum Blossom Appreciation Banquet was just a plum blossom viewing banquet. She didn't know that there was a prince of Qingluo Kingdom inside. The theory of choosing a concubine.

Therefore, in her eyes, Queen Namuhan's attentiveness was just being polite to the Queen's friends.

Before coming, she felt a little guilty, fearing that Caiwei would blame her for not coming to the banquet, but when she saw Caiwei talking and laughing happily, with no intention of blaming her, she felt relieved and her mood suddenly became very good.

During the meal, Queen Namuhan chatted with her affectionately and asked her how old she was. Who else is at home? What are your hobbies? What do you like to eat and play? Xiangyun saw that Queen Namuhan was amiable and had no airs about the queen at all, and he liked her very much, so he told her all his situation openly.

Xiangyun was frank and frank, not at all coy or pretentious like other eldest ladies. Queen Namuhan liked her very much, and the two had a great conversation. They were the ones talking almost throughout the meal, Caiwei and Wanwan. Yan Jingchen was listening.

After the meal, Queen Namuhan was completely sure that she was her future daughter-in-law.

Not long after the meal, several people were talking, and Xiao Zhi came to report: "Your Majesty, all the gentlemen and ladies outside have finished eating. Princess Chaogui would like to ask your Majesty when to watch Bingxi's performance."

Bingxi is a sport that has been popular in the Jin Dynasty for a long time. "You can float and stop suddenly, and control yourself to move freely." After overcoming the difficulties of balance and center of gravity, you can enjoy the pleasure of speed and relaxed pleasure. , the elegant stretch even creates the illusion of flying, so it is deeply loved by the nobles.

Caiwei said: "Let's go over now and let them prepare first!" After that, she smiled at Queen Namuhan and said: "I don't know if Qingluo Country has ice games. In our Jin Dynasty, it is held every winter. Everyone likes to come out and play during ice time!"

Queen Namuhan said: "I have only heard of it, but never seen it. Xiangyun, can you do it?"

Xiangyun shook his head and said regretfully: "No, I wanted to learn when I was a child, but my nanny was always afraid that I would fall and the lake would crack, so she wouldn't let me learn. Now that I'm older, my mother won't let me learn either." Already."

Wanyan Jingchen, who had been silent until now, suddenly interrupted and said, "If you want to learn, I'll teach you tomorrow!"

When Xiangyun heard this, he was so frightened that he waved his hands and refused eagerly: "No, no, no, don't worry, they are still gossiping, if you continue..." Before he could finish, he suddenly realized that his words were a bit inappropriate and hurriedly shut up. He blushed and closed his mouth, feeling annoyed and regretting his rash words.

Seeing this scene, Caiwei and Namuhan looked at each other and smiled, but without saying anything more, they took them to the lake.

The simultaneous appearance of Xiangyun, the Queen, and the Queen of Qingluo Kingdom shocked all the ladies present here. Especially when they saw the Queen of Qingluo Kingdom holding Xiangyun's hand without letting go, their affection was beyond words. , many young ladies had their hearts broken, and those who were self-aware cast gloating glances at Chao Gui.

Princess Chaogui's face remained normal, and she enthusiastically invited Queen Mu and Queen Namuhan to the main table. Seeing that Queen Namuhan was making out with Xiangyun, she arranged Xiangyun's actions beside her and greeted everyone. After sitting down, Chao Gui lowered himself to Queen Caiwei and Namuhan and said, "Chao Gui is not very talented. I would like to dance on the ice to entertain the two empresses. Please give me your permission!"

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