Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1406 Chao Gei’s Thoughts (2)

Caiwei was stunned for a moment! Chao Gui has always been a cautious and well-behaved woman. When did she learn to dance, and she still had to dance with the dancers? This... It seems to be a loss of status!

However, since she had made the request in public, Caiwei could not refuse her, so she had no choice but to nod her head and say, "It's accurate!"

"Thank you, empress!"

With Caiwei's permission, Chao Gui smiled happily and turned around to change clothes.

Ordinary people's activities on the ice are usually divided into three types. One is speed skating, also known as "skating". The skaters wear skates with iron teeth and glide on the ice like lightning. The one who wins first to win; the second is acrobatic skating, such as flying forks on the ice, playing knives, making flags, using sticks, stacking arhats, etc., which are quite difficult and have extraordinary skills; the third is playing football on the ice, where two teams compete for the ball on the ice. Whichever team gets the ball in its own territory wins.These ice sports are mostly done by men. The process is exciting and enthusiastic, which adds a lot of festive atmosphere to the upcoming New Year.

However, the ice play performance prepared by Chao Gei was very different from the ordinary performance. While everyone was waiting, they suddenly saw the sky turn white, and on the lake where the light was like a mirror, a bright cloud seemed to come from the sky, rushing like lightning. At the center of the lake, everyone discovered that these ice walkers were not men, but some young girls in red. Those women skated in front of Queen Caiwei and Queen Namuhan, and suddenly dispersed. She slipped out, put on a gold and red dance dress, saluted to Queen Caiwei and Namuhan, and danced gracefully among the dancers, with her willow waist swaying like a snake, and her dancing posture was graceful and enchanting.

The dancers tried their best to cooperate with her, surrounding her like stars holding the moon, sometimes like clouds, sometimes like streamers, sometimes like thousands of red flowers, it was so beautiful. The gentlemen on the other side of the river held their breath as they watched, completely astonished!

After the dance, Queen Namuhan, who saw such a scene for the first time, clapped her hands happily and praised loudly: "Good! What a novel idea, what a wonderful dance!"

Princess Chaogui slid in front of Caiwei and Queen Namuhan, lowered her body modestly, and said to Queen Namuhan: "Thank you very much for your praise. Chaogui rehearsed a dance when she had nothing to do. It was a small trick that made the queen laugh." Got it!"

Namuhan said: "How can you say it's just a small skill? Ordinary people would stumble when walking on the ice for fear of falling, but you can dance so well on the ice. It's really eye-opening." !"

After that, he turned around and said to a female official next to him: "Give Princess Chaoyue a reward!"

After hearing this, the female officer took out a pair of jade rings from the tray held by the two maids behind her, carefully stepped on the ice on the lake, and handed them to Princess Chaogui with her own hands.

Princess Chaogui hurriedly took it with both hands and said, "Thank you so much for the gift!"

Queen Namuhan smiled and said: "Good boy, I'm sorry for you. You have spent so much thought on me, a person from afar, and you deserve it!"

Chao Gui said humbly: "It is Chao Gui's blessing to serve the empress. Chao Gui dare not take credit." After saying that, he carefully put away the pair of jade rings and ordered people to send them back to the palace.

The dance on the lake ended, the dancers retreated neatly, Chao Gui also retreated with everyone, and wanted to change clothes.

When he was sliding close to the Linshui Pavilion, the ice under Chao Gui's feet suddenly flipped over, and he fell into the freezing cold lake with a 'plop' sound.

When something happened suddenly, everyone in the pavilions on both sides was shocked. Only Caiwei clenched her fist. The ice was a finger thick. It collapsed at the right time, and it broke so neatly...

Chao Gei, thanks to her trusting her so much, turned out to be this unbearable character!

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