Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1410 Father-in-law and Father-in-law (2)

"Get up!"

Caiwei raised her head and said lukewarmly.

"Thank you, Queen."

Ning Huaixiu stood up and stood on the ground with his head lowered, not daring to raise his head or say another word.

Caiwei said: "I heard that you are the most talented woman in the Jin Dynasty. You have been erudite and knowledgeable since you were a child. I think you can't be troubled by such a trivial matter as settling accounts. The New Year is coming soon. I will give you rewards from the princes and princes. There are also rewards from the concubines and princesses of the various palaces, as well as the rewards from the third-rank and above ministers in the court. There are so many people, and the rewards are different. It is a headache for me. Come and help me. Forget it."

Only then did Ning Huaixiu notice that there were four or five account books piled on the Kang table in front of Queen Mu, as well as paper, pens, teacups, abacus and other items.

When she was at home, she often helped her mother in charge of the affairs of the prime minister's house. She was very familiar with things like settling accounts, so she said, "Yes, I obey!"

Caiwei pointed to the edge of the kang: "Sit down, you two and I three, try to calculate them all today, and send out the rewards tomorrow!"

Ning Huaixiu thanked her, sat sideways on the edge of the kang, picked out two account books, took the abacus, paper and pen and other items, and began to calculate the accounts.

The two thick accounts had to be completed in one afternoon. Although the workload was heavy and difficult to complete, she calculated very seriously and tried to give the Queen a good impression. Now that things have happened, she no longer expects the emperor's mercy. She only hopes to serve the queen well. Maybe the queen will be merciful and let her go home!

The two of them did their own calculations, and they both calculated very carefully. There was no movement at all in the room, only the rustle of flipping the account books, and the snapping sound of Ning Huaixiu playing with the beads of the abacus. Empress Mu did not use an abacus when settling accounts. , I just draw some strange symbols on the paper. I don’t know how to use those symbols to settle accounts?

Ning Huaixiu saw it accidentally. Although it was strange, she didn't dare to be distracted. She just took a look. After a moment of surprise, she lowered her head to calculate.

When I finished the calculation, it was already dark outside, and Xiao Zhi suddenly came in and reported: "Your Majesty, dinner is ready. Your Majesty, would you like to have dinner now?"

Caiwei said without raising her head: "I'll finish it right away and let him wait a little longer!"

Asking the emperor to wait for her to eat might be surprising to others, but to Ning Huaixiu, it was already normal. She had served them for more than a month. If she had known how much the emperor loved her and pampered her, even if She wouldn't think it was strange if she didn't allow the emperor to have dinner.

However, what was strange to her was what she said. She said that she would be done with it soon. What did this mean?

She had calculated three accounts, and she had worked hard all afternoon and had just finished calculating one account. How could she do it so fast?

Ning Huaixiu looked over in astonishment and saw two account books neatly written on the Queen's side. Under each account book was a piece of paper with some calculations written on it. Account data.

And the book in her hand has reached the last two pages. It is close to the end and will be finished soon.

Ning Huaixiu couldn't believe her eyes. She relied on her intelligence and was quick at calculating accounts. How could she not be as good as her, and so far behind?

In her wandering mind, Queen Mo had already turned to the last page. While looking at the data in the account book, she quickly wrote some strange symbols on the paper, then drew a horizontal line under these symbols and began to draw dots. After a while, she smiled brightly, closed the account book, and said: "Forget it!"

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