Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1411 Father-in-law and Father-in-law (3)

When she looked up, she saw the dumbfounded Ning Huaixiu looking at her in astonishment, and asked, "How much do you have left?"

Ning Huaixiu smiled and said with a blush, "There is another book. "

Caiwei nodded and said, "Not bad, let's go back to eat first and come back tomorrow!"

Ning Huaixiu hurriedly stood up and said goodbye to her: "Yes, I'm leaving!" After taking two steps, she couldn't resist the doubts in her heart, so she stopped and said, "I dare to ask the empress what method she used to settle the score. How could she do that?" So fast?"

Caiwei was drinking tea from a teacup. When she heard this, she said unhurriedly: "Arabic numeral arithmetic!"

"Arabic numeral arithmetic?"

Ning Huaixiu was stunned. She was a well-read and well-informed person. How come she had never heard of the Arab arithmetic method in the world?

Caiwei put down her tea cup and said slowly: "This arithmetic method was originally created by my father. It is faster and simpler than our ordinary calculation method. It will be widely promoted in our country of Jin soon. Then you can knew!"

Ning Huaixiu's expression darkened after hearing this. It turned out that not only was she inferior in appearance, she was also inferior in ability...

During dinner, Nangong Yi told Caiwei the purpose of Duke Li's visit to him and his answer. Caiwei expressed satisfaction with Nangong Yi's democratic approach and let Xiangyun decide his own destiny. This is the only way Only then will she get the happiness she wants.

She called Huanqiu and asked her to tell Queen Namuhan and Wanyan Jingchen what Nangong Yi said, so that Wanyan Jingchen could be prepared to compete fairly with Mo Zili. Whether he can hold a beautiful woman does not depend on others, but on himself. Got it!

As soon as Huanqiu walked out of the imperial study, he met Princess Chaogui who came to plead guilty.

From the moment the queen sent someone to send her back to her palace without even asking her a question, she knew that her trick was discovered by the queen. She was just a weak woman who was dependent on the queen. Her success and failure all depended on her honor and disgrace. In a moment of the Queen's thought, whether her ambition can be achieved or not depends on the Queen's words.

Therefore, she never dared to offend the queen, and she had to care less about her opinion of herself. After waking up, she struggled to come to plead guilty regardless of her sickly body.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi were having dinner. When they heard Chao Gui asked to see her, they said coldly: "Tell her to go back, I don't have time to see her!"

Chunliu went out to deliver a message. When Chaogui heard that the Queen had not seen her, she knew something was wrong. If she really left, she would never see the Queen again. Therefore, she could not care about her many discomforts. , bent his knees and knelt outside the royal study.

Seeing her like this, Chunliu curled his lips quietly and went back to report Caiwei. Caiwei would not be bribed by her cruel tricks. She sneered: "She likes to kneel, just let her kneel and ignore her."

In the yard, Chao Gui was shivering in the cold wind, secretly hoping that the Queen would take pity on her. However, until she finally fell to her knees and passed out, she did not see any reaction from the Queen.

Hearing that she had fainted, Caiwei said impatiently: "Send her back and order her to stay in the palace to recuperate. She is not allowed to come out without being summoned."

This decree was called to recuperate from illness. In other words, it meant that she was grounded. Caiwei hated others playing tricks. If Chao Gui openly told Caiwei that she wanted to marry Wanyan Jingchen, even if Caiwei couldn't help She would not be disgusted with her, but after this incident, she has completely become a scheming woman in Caiwei's heart. It is no longer possible to restore her image and be favored again!

Nangong Yi said: "This Chao Gei has been smart since she was a child, otherwise Concubine Jin would not have adopted her. It's a pity that her ambition is too high, and her cleverness is mistaken for her."

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