Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1423 Marriage Grant (4)

Wu Xianglian said hurriedly: "Eldest sister, actually the sisters have something to tell you. Can eldest sister ask all these servants to step down?"

Xiangyun said softly: "Cuiwen and Cuilu are both my confidants, and they are very strict with their mouths. Moreover, there is nothing between you and me that outsiders cannot listen to. "

When Wu Xianglian heard this, she glanced at Wu Xiangling embarrassedly, but she couldn't speak. After all, she was still an unmarried girl.

Wu Xiangling is much braver than her. She relies on her beauty and talent, and is sure that she will be more favored than Wu Xiangyun in the future. Maybe she can replace her and become the crown prince of Qingluo Kingdom. Therefore, for her own future, , she gritted her teeth and said shamelessly: "Eldest sister, actually, the second sister and I don't know whether to talk about this or not, because we are afraid that the eldest sister will misunderstand us or offend us.   "

After saying that, he secretly glanced at Xiangyun, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't.

Xiangyun chuckled lightly, knowing that they were up to no good, and said: "Since you know that it may annoy me, then don't say anything. After all, my temper is not very good, and I am a bit impulsive. If I can't control it, I will rush into it." You got angry, but you hurt the relationship between us sisters."

It's a pity that Wu Xiangling has already been fascinated by power and wealth, and is dreaming of becoming the crown prince and the future queen of Qingluo Kingdom. How could she back down just because of Xiangyun's words?

Therefore, she hesitated and said coyly: "Originally, I didn't want to say it, but this matter is related to the future of the eldest sister, and the future of me and the second sister, so even if the eldest sister has to blame Me, I want to say it too."

Xiangyun raised his eyebrows: "It's related to my future? How do you say this?"

Wu Xiangling said: "My eldest sister has been canonized as a princess now, and will soon marry the prince of Qingluo Kingdom. As the saying goes, you are proud of the spring breeze, but what my sister wants to say is, eldest sister, you only saw the scenery in front of you, but you didn't I didn't see the crisis behind you..."

At this point, she deliberately stopped to show off.

Sure enough, Xiangyun said doubtfully: "What crisis am I in? Is it possible that someone wants to harm me? Even if so, how did you know about it?"

Wu Xiangling lowered his eyes, and a sarcastic smile flashed across his eyes. This idiot had indeed taken the bait.

"Although Eldest Sister, you are deeply loved by Prince Wanyan and will soon become the Crown Princess, but I don't know if Eldest Sister has ever thought about the fact that you will be pregnant and give birth to children in the future, and you will still have five or six days of labor every month. Time is not convenient for serving Prince Wanyan. If someone else takes advantage of this time, it would be fine if she is a humble woman. What if she is a noble daughter of Qingluo Kingdom? After giving birth to a son, you don’t have the power of your mother’s family to rely on in the Qingluo Kingdom, so you can’t do anything alone, wouldn’t you suffer a big loss?”

Xiangyun snorted coldly: "No way, he said that he would follow the example of our emperor and never accept concubines in the harem."

Xiang Ling said: "Sister, how can you believe what a man says? They all say that they would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe in a man's nonsense. Now that he wants to get you, he will naturally rely on you in everything. Xinyi said, but in the future, if someone regrets it, what can you do to them? Therefore, what the eldest sister needs most now is allies and helpers. If someone comes to help the eldest sister, he cannot serve His Highness the Crown Prince during her menstrual period or pregnancy. If you serve His Highness on behalf of the eldest sister, the eldest sister will be much safer."

After speaking slightly excitedly, Wu Xiangling waited for Xiangyun to nod in agreement. As long as she agreed, more than half of her plan to seize favor would be realized.

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