Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1424 Marriage Grant (5)

However, before Xiangyun could speak, he heard a slightly sharp voice saying: "What you said makes sense. Then tell me, who would it be better for Yun'er to find as an ally and helper? You also know that in the palace, Those people don’t have a fuel-efficient lamp.  "

Wu Xiangling was startled, and turned around in panic, only to see Mrs. Wu come in at some point. She had a sullen face, and the maids behind her also looked at her with disdain.

Although Wu Xiangling was scared, she had already talked about this and couldn't help but flinch. After a moment of hesitation, she said: "There is no better way to fight a tiger than a brother, and there is no better way to fight than a father and son. If you want to find one, you have to compare yourself with one of your own." If it's appropriate, only your own family will be of the same mind."

Mrs. Wu showed a hint of sarcasm and asked casually: "My family? For example?"

Wu Xiangling coughed lightly and said shamelessly: "Madam, what do you think of me and my second sister? We are biological sisters, so we will naturally support each other."

"You?" Mrs. Wu's tone was somewhat meaningful.

"Yes, Madam, it's us." Wu Xiangling took a deep breath, turned to Madam Wu, and said: "Madam, we are willing to fight for our sister's favor, help our sister look after His Highness the Crown Prince, and consolidate our sister's position in the harem of Qingluo Kingdom. status."

Xiangyun's face turned dark. She didn't expect that they could come up with such a shameless idea. She clenched her fists, glared and was about to get up, but Mrs. Wu gave her a calm look and sneered: "Fighting for elder sister's favor? Do you mean you want to serve Prince Wanyan?"

Wu Xiangling knelt down and said in a sincere voice: "We only want to follow the eldest sister, keep her status, and also keep the honor of our Marquis of Jian'an Mansion." When Wu Xianglian saw this, she also knelt down, her face He looked respectful and respectful, and Xiangyun was following his lead.

At this time, I heard Mrs. Wu sneer: "Prince Wanyan, what do you say?"

As soon as they finished speaking, Wu Xiangling and Wu Xianglian froze. They could hardly believe their ears. They never expected to meet Prince Wanyan here. If they had known he would come, they would not have said these embarrassing words. , wouldn’t it be better to just have a romantic encounter?

However, at this point, they could only endure it. Wu Xiangling turned around and glanced at Wanyan Jingchen shyly, wanting him to be amazed by her.

However, the man didn't even look at them. He only looked in the direction of Xiangyun and said loudly: "There are three thousand weak waters, and I only drink one gourd. As for these two girls, if they can't get married, Mu I remember that there are two men in the ginseng business who are not yet married. Those two men are hard-working and down-to-earth, and they are a perfect match for the two girls!"

When Wu Xiangling and Wu Xianglian heard this, they were immediately dumbfounded. Although they were concubines, they were still the daughters of the Marquis. If they were dragged out to serve as two men, it would be better to kill them.

Especially Wu Xiangling, she relied on her beauty and felt that the reason why Prince Wanyan was so ruthless to him must be that he didn't look at her. Therefore, she broke the boat and ran to Wanyan Jingchen without any shame: "Your Highness, Ling'er has nothing to do with you." I'm all in love, you can't treat Ling'er like this..."

Xiangyun twitched the corner of his mouth, crossed his arms and shuddered, looking at Wanyan Jingchen in a playful manner.

Wanyan Jingchen's handsome face darkened when he saw Wu Xiangling being so shameless. Before she could pounce on him, he had already raised his palms. After a burst of palm wind, Wu Xiangling, who was trying to kneel at his feet to pretend to be weak and beg for mercy, flew straight up and flew far away. , and fell to the ground with a bang.


Wu Xiangling, who was lying on the ground, raised his tearful eyes in disbelief and looked pitifully at the expressionless man, unable to believe that he was so disgusted by him.

Mrs. Wu on the side was furious when she saw that the two of them were blatantly targeting her son-in-law and seducing her daughter in front of her. She walked up to Wu Xiangling in a few steps and said "pop" He slapped Wu Xiangling in the face, pointed at her nose and said angrily: "Spine-slapping bitch, your aunt has been dead for less than two months, and you can't wait to seduce men. Her maid still knows how to give her You have been a filial piety for three years, but you are not even as good as a maid, so you are still not a human being?"

This palm was so powerful that half of Wu Xiangling's face quickly swelled up and turned into a pig's head. Wu Xianglian, who was bluffing, kowtowed hurriedly and said, "Madam, it was Ling'er who instigated Lian'er to do this."

Mrs. Wu sneered and said, "If you don't have such dirty thoughts, how could she persuade you?" After saying that, she turned around and shouted to Aunt Liu: "Send someone to take these two idiots down and wait for the Marquis." Come back and feel sad."

Grandma Liu waved her hand, and immediately, four or five maids and women stepped forward like birds, and regardless of Wu Xiangling and Wu Xianglian's cries for mercy, they dragged and dragged them down.

After the two eyesores left, Mrs. Wu felt much better. She glanced at her daughter and son-in-law and said kindly, "While you chat, mother will prepare lunch for you first."

"Thank you, mother-in-law!" Wanyan Jingchen said politely, causing Mrs. Wu's flowers to bloom and her face to smile.

After Mrs. Wu left, Xiangyun pouted and muttered: "Look, I have attracted so many bees and butterflies even before I have returned to the country for canonization. When I return to the country in the future, I may have to ask for more." Worry!"

Wanyan Jingchen sat down opposite her and said with a smile: "This is not easy. As long as you take care of the first one, no one will dare to think about it in the future."

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