Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1427 Ciyue Gang (3)

When Xiangyun heard this, he was surprised and said, "Mom, are you really going to marry them to those two businessmen?"

Mrs. Wu sneered: "It wasn't my mother who wanted to marry them off to those two guys. It was your father's idea. My mother just told your father the whole story. Your father was very angry after hearing this. , I immediately ordered my mother to facilitate this matter. No, their dowry ladies have been prepared. When you get married tomorrow morning, they will also get married.  "

"But Aunt Xu doesn't agree?"

"Hey, she doesn't agree? Who is she? Just a despicable servant girl. When will it be her turn to have a say in the girls' marriages?"

Mrs. Wu sneered and said through the window: "Are you all dead? When will the mistress's yard be allowed to let slaves come in and cry and shout? Why don't you beat them out?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

When the maids and women on duty in the yard heard this, they immediately stepped forward, pulled out her hair, slapped her, and pulled Aunt Xu out.

"Damn, this bitch, when she was favored, she stabbed Madam in the back. She deserves what she has today!" Grandma Liu spat out the window, looking very relieved.

Mrs. Wu also sneered, not knowing whether it was to relieve her hatred or something else, but with her daughter aside, she couldn't say much, lest it cause her daughter's mood swings.

Because Xiangyun was going to go out to pay homage to Grandma Xie later, Mrs. Wu specially asked the housekeeper to go out and send a message, and ordered the housekeeper to personally accompany the family members to avoid any accidents. In addition, she also gave some instructions to her daughter to pay homage. Lala talked about a lot of things that needed to be paid attention to before letting her out.

At noon, Xiangyun ate some vegetarian food, changed into plain clothes, brought Cuiwen and Cuilu, and went to the cemetery of Grandma Xie in the western suburbs to pay her respects.

Aunt Xie’s graveyard is located on Zixia Mountain in the western suburbs of the capital. The location is very remote. After arriving, Cui Wen and Cui Lu helped her up the mountain. Xiangyun followed others’ instructions and personally placed a flower in front of Aunt Xie’s grave. I bought incense, candles, paper horses, and fruit wine as offerings. After paying homage, I lay down in front of Grandma Xie’s grave and cried loudly.

"Mommy, Yun'er is leaving. I can no longer visit you often. What does Yun'er want you to do? If someone bullies Yun'er, and you are not by Yun'er's side, who will protect me..."

In the empty mountains, only her cries echoed. In the mountain col opposite, Mo Zili's eyes dimmed as he listened to her heartbroken cries, and his hands hanging on his sides tightened, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

The thing he regretted most in his life was beating Nanny Xie to death. He had known that beating Nanny Xie to death would make her so sad and hate herself so much, so Nanny Xie set her on fire. When she was in charge of the Duke's mansion, he would never hit her.

However, it is too late to think of this now...


While Xiangyun was crying, a loud shout suddenly came from the bottom of the mountain, followed immediately by the sound of swords clashing.

Just listen to Cui Wen shouting: "Miss, it's bad, there's a fight at the foot of the mountain..."

Xiangyun hurriedly wiped away his tears, stood up in a panic, and looked down the mountain.

Sure enough, at the foot of the vast white mountain, the servants he brought were fighting with a group of masked men in black. The men in black were all masters, and their moves were old and sharp. Although they didn't have many people, they were quick. He knocked the servants of Jian'an Hou Mansion to the ground and quickly surrounded them up the mountain.

"Little... miss... run... run..."

Cui Wen had never seen such a scene before. She was so frightened that her legs became weak, her tongue was knotted, her body was trembling, and she saw that she could not walk.

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