Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1428 Ciyue Gang (4)

Cui Wei seemed to be more courageous than her. Seeing the people at the foot of the mountain coming this way, she hurriedly picked up Xiang Yun and ran in the opposite direction. Xiangyun was also frightened and ran in a panic. He felt the wind blowing in his ears, but he didn't know where he was running.

"Stop, let's start shooting again!" The masked man in black behind him shouted, and shot out an arrow.


The sharp arrow flew past Xiangyun's head and nailed a big tree in front of her. Xiangyun staggered in fright, slipped and fell heavily to the ground.

The mountain road was steep, and Xiangyun's fall immediately caused her to tumble and roll down the mountain. She was about to roll to the edge of a cliff.


Cuixi was so frightened that she screamed and her whole body collapsed. If the lady fell off the cliff, she would not survive.

Xiangyun was so frightened that she screamed repeatedly, but her body refused to obey and just rolled down. She was about to roll to the edge of the cliff. She closed her eyes in despair and resigned to her fate!

However, just before she fell off the cliff, a strong arm suddenly grabbed her in time and pulled her up from the ground. Before she could see who it was, he was already being held tightly in her arms.

The man held her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would fall if he let go, and gently patted her back with one hand, as if to comfort her.

The moment he held her in his arms, his heart, which had been empty for months, suddenly felt full. That soft body and that familiar smell had already made him go crazy with his thoughts. At this moment, he had a profound realization. He realized that the person in his arms was so precious to him and so worth cherishing!


Xiangyun burst into tears, hugged his strong waist tightly, and complained: "Situ Changge, you bastard, why did you come here? You scared me to death..."

The man's body stiffened when he heard her cry, and the hand that was patting her back also stopped, as if it was being tapped.

Only then did Xiang Yun realize that something was wrong. Although this man was similar in stature to Situ Changge, he did not have the faint fragrance of Situ Changge, and his embrace was not as warm as Situ Changge's.

She was startled, raised her head suddenly, and looked at his face.

Mo Zili lowered his head, shocked by the fact that she just thought he was that person, with a look of defeat on his face.

"How could it be you? Why are you here?"

Xiangyun screamed, pushed him away, took a few steps back in shock and anger, and widened the distance between them.

"Miss, Miss----"

When Cui Wei saw Mo Zili appearing, she was so anxious that she broke into a cold sweat, stumbled down the mountain, and bravely stood in front of Xiang Yun.

Seeing Xiangyun being so guarded against him and hating him, Mo Zili smiled bitterly and said, "You don't have to be so guarded against me, I won't hurt you!"

"Then what are you doing now? Did you know that you almost killed me just now?" Xiangyun poked his head out from behind Cuixi and angrily denounced him.

"That was an accident. I didn't expect you to fall!" Mo Zili was helpless. He was also frightened just now. If she really fell into the cliff, he would definitely jump after her.

Xiang Yun said angrily: "Don't say it's unexpected or not, Mo Zili, what on earth do you want to do?"

The man looked at Xiang Yun's angry face sadly and said in a deep voice: "I just want to fight for a chance to win you back!"

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