Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1429 Ciyue Gang (5)

"are you crazy!"

Xiangyun said contemptuously: "I'm getting married tomorrow, how can I give you another chance?"

Mo Zili's eyes dimmed, and then he said guiltily: "Xiangyun, I'm sorry, I can't let you get married. "

"You, why do you?"

Xiangyun was angry and hateful, staring at him hatefully. If eyes could kill, he would have died hundreds of times.

Mo Zili met her resentful eyes and said calmly: "Literally, Xiangyun, I don't want you to marry anyone else. Give me a chance and come back to me. I will definitely let you do what you want in this world." of the happiest woman."

"Don't even think about it, you bastard!"

Xiangyun squatted down angrily, grabbed a handful of snow, formed a snowball and threw it at Mo Zili's face.

Mo Zili turned his head to avoid her attack. Cui Lu took the opportunity to rush forward, hugged Mo Zili, and shouted: "Miss, run quickly----"

Seeing this, Xiangyun felt that the opportunity was too good to miss, so he turned around and ran back.

Behind him, Mo Zili looked at Cuixi hugging him and frowned in disgust. If it weren't for the fact that she was Xiangyun's girl, he would have really wanted to kick her into the cliff. He hated other people the most. Feel free to approach him. However, with the lessons learned from Aunt Xie, he no longer dared to move easily towards her servants!

With one strike of the knife, Cui Lu fell softly to the ground and separated from Mo Zili's body.

Mo Zili looked at the figure who was holding up her skirt and running faster than a rabbit. He stood up on his tiptoes and flew straight in the direction of her escape.

Xiangyun ran very fast, but before she could get very far, she was surrounded by a group of masked men in black. She touched the hairpin on her head eight times and looked at the gradually shrinking circle with vigilance, feeling panic and despair. …

At this time, in the Bishui Villa in the capital,

The eighteen leaders of the Ciyue Gang are all here. The deputy gang leader will leave here tomorrow and return to Qingluo Kingdom to inherit the position of crown prince. The brothers in the gang gathered here to see him off.

The Ciyue Gang was founded by Huo Yuan's father, Huo Xiaotian. As a businessman, he was often blackmailed by the government, robbed by bandits, and discriminated against because of his status as a businessman. Therefore, the old man was dissatisfied and secretly paid huge sums of money to The Ciyue Gang was created, firstly, to protect the Huo family from being robbed by gangsters when they went out to do business, and secondly, to assassinate, extort, and bully the Huo family's government.

When Ciyue helped Huo Yuan, Huo Yuan had another goal - to help King Jing and other gods who had been given the throne by Concubine Huo Xian.

Although this goal is difficult to achieve, through Huo Yuan's unremitting efforts, the Ciyue Gang has become the largest secret gang in the Jin Kingdom. Needless to say the strength of the gang, only the development power of their gang has spread. Arrive anywhere in the Jin Kingdom, including the palace.

However, now that it is her man who has ascended the throne, and that man has implemented benevolent policies, which has made all people in the world admire him and make the people return to his heart, his original wish has been quietly suppressed.

As long as he can benefit the people of the world and treat her well, he will quietly be an imperial merchant, just be an imperial merchant, and have no other thoughts. Otherwise, with the strength of their Ciyue Gang, since they can do it without any effort Even if you can overthrow the prince, you can still overturn his empire!

"Changge, I'm going to Qingluo Kingdom now. Brothers are separated from each other from now on. I don't know when we will meet again. Come on, let me toast you a glass for everyone!" Huo Yuan raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

Wanyan Jingchen also stood up, raised his cup and said, "Gang leader, Chang Ge is a man with ill-fated fate. If his old master hadn't saved him back then, Chang Ge would have become a man in Loess Long. Chang Ge's life belongs to the Ciyue Gang. He will go there." In the end, regardless of whether Chang Ge is the shopkeeper of Shenxing or the prince of Qingluo Kingdom, as long as something happens in the gang, as long as the gang leader informs him, Chang Ge will go all out and fight to the death!"

At this time, An Qilu, the third master, laughed jokingly and said: "After today, the second master will have a family and a career. I'm afraid that the tenderness in the red gauze tent will soften the first master of the second master." He speaks so ambitiously, but the second master cannot say such heroic words."

The words made everyone burst into laughter, and Wanyan Jingchen also laughed.

Cao Jin said: "I heard that the Qingluo country is as rich as the Jin Dynasty. Since the second head of the family is the crown prince of the Qingluo country, why don't we move our business to the Qingluo country? With the second head of the family taking care of it, we will definitely make money." The bowl is full, and it can also help the second master establish a foothold in Qingluo Kingdom as soon as possible!"

Everyone nodded and said it made sense. Although Wanyan Jingchen was the crown prince of the Qingluo Kingdom, he was born in a distant place. In the future, he would inherit the entire Qingluo Kingdom. It would be far too far for him to rely solely on the support of the emperor and queen of the Qingluo Kingdom. It is far from enough. He must establish his own power as soon as possible and let his power continue to expand and extend throughout the Qingluo Kingdom as soon as possible in order to ensure that his position is stable and his country is stable.

Wanyan Jingchen also agreed with Cao Jin's statement, so a practical banquet dramatically turned into a market development seminar. The content of the discussion was how to expand the business of the Jin Kingdom to the Qingluo Kingdom!

Everyone was discussing in full swing, and the atmosphere was lively and joyful. At this time, a member of the gang rushed in panting and said loudly: "Second head of the family, it's not good. When Princess Huairou went to visit the tomb on the mountain in the afternoon, she was killed by someone." Taken away!"

Wanyan Jingchen's face suddenly changed color, his face was livid, and he said coldly: "Who did it?"

The informant said: "I don't know. The group was masked and their identities were unknown. They even kidnapped the princess's two maids."

Huo Yuan said: "Give me the order. Everyone in the Ciyue Gang should immediately go out to look for the princess of Huairou. They must not disturb others, let alone let anyone know about the princess's abduction."

The matter of Xiangyun being kidnapped was of great importance. Once word spread, Xiangyun's good reputation would be completely ruined, so there was no need to be careless. At that moment, all members of Ciyue Gang were mobilized to search for Xiangyun's whereabouts like a net.

At the same time, the Marquis of Jian'an's Mansion, the palace, and the people brought by Queen Namuhan all joined the search for Xiangyun.

When Xiangyun was kidnapped, the first suspect was Mo Zili. However, according to the investigators, Mo Zili had been staying in Duke Li Guo's mansion drinking from morning till now. He was already drunk alone and unconscious. , it is simply impossible to go out and kidnap Xiangyun.

Apart from that, I couldn't think of anyone else who could kidnap her. Caiwei was very frustrated. If Yingge was here, he could see where Xiangyun was with just one glance, but it was far away in Xianbei country now. Moreover, since he has not been nourished by space spiritual energy for many days, his magic power has been greatly reduced, and he no longer has the ability to see so far.

Therefore, the whereabouts of Xiangyun became a mystery. Everyone searched for it from dusk until dark, and almost turned the entire capital upside down, but no one found it!

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