Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1433 He is coming (4)

The old man's study was on the east side of the garden, far away from Mo Zili's Qiu Shuangzhai. Lao Yan took Mo Zili with him, and there were two young men holding lanterns in front of them. The four of them walked around for nearly half of the way. After a while, I walked to the old man's study.

"Sir, the Duke is waiting for you inside. Come in quickly!"

When Lao Yan reached the door, he stopped, opened the door curtain and asked Mo Zili to go in alone, while he personally guarded the outside to prevent others from approaching.

Mo Zili nodded and walked in. The old man's study was decorated very elegantly and simply, and all the utensils used were of the highest quality. The room was burning fine silver frost charcoal, and it was warm. Behind the desk, the old man with white hair and beard was writing and writing, and did not raise his head when he heard any movement.

"Grandpa, do you call your grandson?" Mo Zili stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

The old man didn't raise his head, and didn't even say "hmm". He didn't put down his pen until he finished writing the words, waved his hand and said, "Get up, come here!"

Mo Zili said "Yes", straightened up and walked forward to the old man's desk. The old man picked up the calligraphy he had just finished and handed it to Mo Zili, saying: "Take this calligraphy back." "

Mo Zili took the piece of writing and saw the word "正" written on the rice paper sprinkled with gold, with gold hooks and iron paintings, and flying dragons and phoenixes.

His face turned red and he said, "Thank you, grandfather, for the gift. My grandson has learned a lesson."

The old man said bluntly: "Now that you have been taught a lesson, please hand over the girl from the Wu family, so as not to regret it tomorrow when the whole city is in trouble and everyone knows about it."

After hearing this, Mo Zili took a step back, knelt on the ground, and said: "Grandpa, my grandson dare not say that Xiangyun was not kidnapped, but after hearing this, my grandson knows his mistakes and can correct them. There is no great way to do good. It is not too late to mend the past." . Xiangyun was originally your grandson's wife, your grandson's daughter-in-law. Your grandson made her sad because of his temporary insomnia. Now your grandson has realized his mistake and sincerely regrets it. But if she is taken away by the prince of Qingluo Kingdom, grandson will My son will miss her in this life and will never have another chance in the future. Therefore, my grandson has to take risks, otherwise he will regret it for the rest of his life."

However, the old man's eyes sharpened and he asked in a deep voice: "When you did this, did you think about the consequences? The girl from the Wu family is the princess personally appointed by the emperor. The woman who will marry the Qingluo Kingdom on behalf of our Dajin has now been announced. The affairs of the world have been disturbed by you because of your own selfishness. Do you think the emperor will not be resentful towards our Duke Li Guo? Or do you think that the foundation of our Duke Li Guo’s Palace is too deep and too stable, and you can’t wait to Do you want to destroy your own foundation? Or do you think Qingluo Kingdom is easy to mess with, and you can just let people kidnap the princess they have chosen?"

Mo Zili lowered his head and said sadly: "Xiangyun is the wife of my Ming matchmaker. I have never agreed to divorce her, nor have I signed the divorce letter. She is still my wife."

Hearing this, the old Duke laughed angrily: "Are you blaming your grandfather and your father for helping you reconcile without your permission? You don't even think about it, even if we don't want to reconcile, what will happen to the Marquis of Jian'an Mansion?" If you can just let it go, what's the point of stalking you even though they are determined not to get along with you? You are still a descendant of our Mo family, but you are so confused that you are so confused. I am really disappointed!"

After saying that, he sighed heavily and his face became more and more ugly.

Mo Zili bent down, kowtowed to Duke Li, and said, "My grandson has disappointed his grandfather. He feels very guilty, but he will not regret it. He only knows how to stand upright in the world and follow the path of the world." Wealth cannot be lustful, power cannot be subdued, this is a true man. Xiangyun is originally the wife of the grandson. If the person who asks to marry her is the prince of a neighboring country, the grandson will not have the courage to take his wife back. I'm afraid that I will disappoint my grandfather even more and feel ashamed of my grandfather's teachings."

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